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Everything posted by Sweet

  1. Guys by now , the orb is required for the Global Top 20 (Vega's score is in the position at Top Global) You can see in this link: http://hwbot.org/benchmark/pcmark_2005/rankings?start=2&start=2#interval=20#start=0#cores= press any cores Thanks and regards
  2. Wooow...5 (five ) minutes for open a page, now in the other side of the world, (GMT-3)
  3. Guys I dont see anything yet that I says this run is "bugged", and i dont see significant differences compared with other scores. Someone can tell me why you think this submission is wrong ? because I dont see anything wrong here. Perhaps there is something I'm not seeing ? Imho..please maybe this run is bugged , i dont think so by now, but Mikecmd is not cheater. We should all try not to call any Guy "cheater" for not believing in your score, is the best for the community. Thanks Sw Ps: thanks k
  4. Yep, I feel the same many times What tweak for run 3D'01 ? Lod ?, run separately for each subtest ? What .bat use in 3D'06 benchmark ? Sorry many questions @Mikecmd, run this benchmark disable post processing ? or any tweak in the 3D'06 .bat (script ) or something else ? BR
  5. Hi Paolo, here is the link for this http://hwbot.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=44 Regards
  6. Manzanaaa !!!, llegaron los idus de marzo buen regreso de las vacaciones Nacho
  7. 3.50 USD Here in Buenos Aires - Argentina, without renting dewar
  8. Sweet

    Congrats Ney

    Yeahhhh, nice and hard work Chris Felicitaciones - Congratulations - félicitations - Mi complimenti - :ws: :celebration:Sw
  9. You welcome Ufff i have to sleep, click edit instead of reply
  10. Seems Ok. I'll check these two submissions
  11. Karl, please add this motherboard. "Jetway NB61" http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2274126 Thanks and regards
  12. I'm getting better thanks Denis http://hwbot.org/submission/2260757_ Thanks Bro
  13. I wish trade for yours tweaks, but this Revodrive is not mine
  14. No problem saint, this is for all, buuuutttt if you win something, you share with me :banana:
  15. For you : :ws: congratz I.M.O.G !! Btw. another tweak of transparent windows ? Opsss xXSeBasXx never goes to sleep @xXSeBasXx !!! new tweak in the transp windowsssssss !!!!
  16. Nice sebas, good job and better score in transp. wind.
  17. Yup, not only to transp. wind. maybe more perhaps no tweaks, using hardware too
  18. Really nice, thanks bro ! Excellent guide to learn (for me) :ws: Thanks
  19. No correct, SteveRo, you're confused, The Global by microprocessor category is not the same that the Global Top without mattering that processor you use you can see this here : http://hwbot.org/benchmark/pcmark_2005/rankings?start=0&start=0#interval=20#start=240#cores= For example my submission is 4th among the 8-core chips, but instead of all the microprocessors , place 245 I hope you understand, the difference between Global by microprocessor and Top Global - any microprocessor. Orb is mandatory in Top Global any microprocessor. Regards
  20. Yep Steve, like i write before, only Global Top 20 by now, if that change, will be different, but i dont know, when and how, soon perhaps Sorry about that, when the rules change for only top 20( not global), I'll be in trouble Edit : dont have many valid keys
  21. Yes by now, this is truth, maybe change in the future. Link (ORB) isnt necessary by now, besides this run has no doubt. Anyway El Gappo put the link
  22. Woow nice . very nice bro !! congratz
  23. Well done !! good web page rendering, I still this tweak, I don't do well I still have not learned well the advice of Denis of this tweak Sorry Denis, I have to try many times congratz
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