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Everything posted by Sweet

  1. merveilleuse wonderful maravilloso meravigliosa
  2. never i try before I use "2" sometimes, thanks Steve yes imho. for transparent windows Vista x64 (improved with nlite) is the best, Ati grafics card, I have not yet tested with nvidia. For this subtest (transparent) - Operating System from best to worst 1- Vista x64 (improve w/nlite) the best 2- Windows 7 3- Windows 8 (I dont like in general by now) 4- XP - worst In subtest 2 "Physics and 3D"-GTX 580-, I use only "lod tweak" like i write before set lod with nvidiainspector (0x00000034) in Rivatuner +4 or + 6, i dont try with +10 or more, may be good, negative lod may be good too, never i use negative lod w/nvidia. Interesting
  3. Fully agree with this add :message to overclocker or hwbot With The nick the overclocker
  4. Yeahhh good job xXSebaSXx !!!:celebration: Ati too,...btw.
  5. Yes by now only nvidia and Karl are right This tweak was discovered by Stellaras (I think)., siouxx discovered "set mouse max sensitivity and show trace". sometimes like massman ( sorry madman) sometimes like a cat, depends on the gpu and the antiquity of the gpu, like Karl write before thats it's trial and error 580 GTX (Fast - 11139.554 / slow - around 9000/no move 7000- 8000)and 550Ti - 8800Gts fast too, i try this soon with 2x 4770 AMD and then comment. maybe with 7970, should be something amazing what goes up this subtest
  6. transparent windows, set mouse max sensitivity and show trace. move the mouse over the subtest like this: (windows spanish) with nvidia grafic card, set lod +4 or +6. and try
  7. Massman Only one power supply ? 1200w. support this rig ? or maybe two ?
  8. I dont think so, try to get the benchmark to be honest is not bad every one may think differently but the rules must be equal for everyone, is what is trying to do in hwbot. i use superseepd , for my family's video, in mi notebook, since long time (like i write in somewhere, i dont remember) original licence. Maybe I am too strict and knowing that this was a very large result in PcMark (either 5 7 vantage), I have not ever used this soft in PcMark, and perhaps i'm idiot too (scusa il mio inglese รจ orribile). like S_A_V write before http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=147088&postcount=56 Long time ago, you have seen this software (without giving the name) I said that could not be used and it was not fair play for those who have spent many U $ S or Euros in storage and controllers. In those days you showed your high scores, do you remember that ? I know...i know...many guys in my country said: "Why you do not use, if others use it too," are you a fool ? Perhaps i'm a idiot, but honestly with my way of thinking, because I think it is not fair play. You can see my Pcmarks in my profile. SuperCache and ramdisk are really well known and widely used on the servers of big companies, I work in one of these companies (no with hardware or software ), and long time ago a fellow worker told me to use these software for my videos of many digital photographs, and it was true, the burden of over a thousand photographs in the software I use to make the videos, are accelerated lot. (se acelera de manera grandisima). Maybe I'm extremely correct and did not want to even use those really important storage. I am somewhat strict, Sometimes. I ask others to be so and that's not right, so my apologies for writing this but I do not use it to gain points. Sorry Denis, again, but cnzdrn isnt judah, maybe like me , nothing more
  9. Income for the last time in this post, just to clarify something that is confusing LOD is a tweaks "allowed in 3D'06" since long time ago, only disable post processing and mipmap is not allowed. Rex bios is not a tweak (cheat) is a bios optimization, why should not be allowed ? regards
  10. A special mention for overclockers of my country, who have investigated this in the PCMark, long almost 4 months. Some have begun to test this software I used for my videos., but then, they went much further and have discovery (if this is the right word) a tweak that greatly improves the PCMark software and this to increase the score, but using something new and also can regulate each subtest. I'll try this soon (perhaps), and this a tweak is fully legal, not is software and no is a script, only tweak For those who have helped me discover what many guys was being done and in turn, find something that is perfectly legal, is my appreciation for his research and many hours of testing This is in trial and error stage right now, by now is somewhat complicated to do -at least for me- THANK YOU !!!
  11. Roberto good job as always! :ws: Roberto buon lavoro come sempre! Sw
  12. Yes, we can, and no is storie, I dont use this software never in my PcMark, only one guy (of the staff) has used, like i write before I use this software for rending videos of many pictures (more than 1000pictures) of my family travel, only, see my Pcmark score, please.and you can see this in the profile of each member of staff P.S: sorry by delay, the coffee is in my t-shirt:confused:
  13. Guys please, we (the staff) know all teewks right now, known questioned software is old and was used to obtain good results in some important on-line competition. But when done right combination can not tell if software or hardware, which has been used. I do not mean that all scores have been done with software, but it is impossible to know whether it was used to obtain scores, since those who have done know good how to do. Finally a member of staff has used this software to prove that with this only, no need to spend many U$S. in storage, results have been achieved bulky, as you buy an raid 0 ssd ultimate or revodrive, and Without Accard controller, only you must have a lot of ram in your system and ready, software is much cheaper. With this has shown that it has hurt those who have invested a lot of U $ S in its storage system. nothing more. Picturer, maybe, or maybe not, because..........cheat can be done with them, no photoshop, just need to put two or three ssd and take the picture when they are connected to the rig, then remove and throw run the PCMark with this software and many tweaks, the ssd for photography, and then return intact to its rightful owner, like computation store or friend @ xXSebasXx: you know me ....you know that it is perfectly detectable a tweak invalid in any 3DMark , I'm talking about software and SO optimized to give the same results in the PCMark as if he had used three revodrive
  14. This thread, like other high-level teaching and sharing, Different Ways of thinking, I like to think that great overclockers sharing your opinions, and do not always think like me, as You Can See. well i'm not great overclocker Dont sigh, express an opinion is not a revolution is a evolution, not wanting to change the world. I do not think the different leagues in hwbot are wrong, nothing can be perfect, but is fairly level, I found in This thread something amazing, 'cos they are the best ( you Pieter dont hahahaha) and Will Also find new ideas (like your idea) That Can Enhance competition, In This guys i believe, and try to understand. Note XXXXX: and also I learn, btw
  15. Yes Steve, for other reasons, yesterday I saw this, I find very dubious, link first, second no, second link i think is correct ( maybe ?) Ramdisk in combination ramcache, with other tweaks in windows OS (storage and virtual disks in raid), makes it very difficult to evaluate the benchmark (perhaps this...was a secret) I want to clarify something, I used PCMark'05 much, i love this benchmark, but I saw with gimmicks is degraded, some valid and some not, and now as a moderator I to do with what has become the benchmark, is sad. You can see in my profile that I've used this benchmark much
  16. Maybe, i will buy this 7970, for me, not for benchs, Back in time , when the team was created "Gigabyte Team" You said: we should happen to the Pro League, you remember that ? Only the name of the team and 25 lts of ln2 every two months,. anddd, i'm use asus mainboard In this case and and future cases, using pre-release hardware should not be Pro league ?
  17. You are right in this, of course, but the first score in december 22, 2011 is not a guy of Greece , in the Overclocker League, not Pro league. Btw. I live much further from Europe than you, and probably the price of 7970 (which is still seen in the photos because there is) will be 800 or 900 U.S. I think anyone who can get ultimate hardware a month before the release should be a pro league, not Overclocking league, Imho of course
  18. Mafio, I dont see bitching here, This thread is very good, is a debate only, The best overclockers (I'm not, of course) all mentioned important problem in the region where they live. Why you say "bitching" ?, This thread is very serious and everyone can express their thoughts seriously,. Each has a point, this is given by the economic position of each state of the economy of each country and each region, hwbot not forget that is for everyone and not everyone has to think or express same in the same way for me +1 for Leeghoofd and +1 for rbuass, when they disagree with respect to the opinion of another. Now, Why you think that in Greece was sold long before amd 7970 ? than in other parts of the world ? thats no the first time,. Why you think it's fair that only two guys have in December of last year with excellent results in Overclocking league and no one in the Pro league ? I like this discussion in the right way, please keep it that way
  19. PCM is softwareclocking no overclocking, i dont like this, if it continues, at last is cheaper software, hardware is more expensive I have the software license (SC)
  20. Like ramdisk software, use ram Stop with killer benchmark
  21. Somethimg else, ramcache and ramdisk software need, more ram perhaps. ramcache and ramdisk is not allowed. or i'm wrong ? pcamrk confuses me many times, many fixes, many tricks, and many discussions
  22. Again !!!! PCM....many problems with this benchmark.... Is the same software, i think (supers....) at the end is a software no hardware
  23. A2 , Kenny please send me pm with mods, i can try, and thank you :ws: Btw: OCP protection can be changed in the bios or Only with hard mod ?
  24. Thanks so much Kenny :ws: I tried changing the bios, (more volts in core 1.40 i think), but does not improve much, i dont know why. see this : something very rustic
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