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Everything posted by Random

  1. I still have those c6 2000 and they are forsale on my thread i can trade you them back for something, they are nice, one srick does 2750 c8 with io at 5 with 1.91v on my z97 oc formula which is great for it because it usually takes 1.94 they did 2666 without any difficulty I have a few kits that do 2666 pretty easily. I had 3pi and 1 ripjaws stick for x79 untill i got this other pair of c6 2000 that did c7 2400 at 1.68v I have some good ripjaw sets but i have to figure out which they are, i havent gotten around to binning alot of my psc on z97 because i have so much
  2. I am without a doubt interested in atleast a pair that will run 2750 c8 with tight 2666 or 2600 presets on air Also i have a descent number of 2200 c7 and 2133 c7 ripjaws and pi sticks if you are interested. I can bin them on x79 also 4930k and 3930k if you are interested mobos; rive r4be and msi bb2
  3. 80e shipped to usa? For mobo?
  4. would it be too much trouble for you to test 1.7 or something, c7 2400? I have a set of Pis I am trying to find a mate for, for my 3930k
  5. Lol there are some c9 2400 geil evo in marketplace but ull have to fight me for them
  6. What voltage did u use for the c7 2400?
  7. Post other stuff i am interested in gpu pot
  8. I dont have the working one and the seller wouldnt help me out And as far as hose goes i am going to make one i got a huode online.itll cost like 30$ total Thanks
  9. Nobody? I really want to get this thing filled and get My chips froze. Well i guss i will just find a gauge that meets specs and fits
  10. Bump
  11. Price drop on the c6 2000 kit
  12. bump adding pics of testing with c6 2000 pi kit
  13. I want one of those kingston kits, daaayum
  14. An error occurred while trying to upload the profile or setting.
  15. Nah same 1040 sn as the rest of my psc I only have 2 bbse kits and its not going to be for sale for a bit, have to try them out with z97
  16. All sticks on hold, going to do some cold binning. Will add more as I have to go through a good chunk of sticks again on z97 PSC: Kit 1 & 2 are 1600mhz c6 pi don't remember how well they OC they werent anything special from what I recall 60$ each Not including shipping 100$ for 4 they are really good at their stock settings and even have a little wiggle room, i used them on my 4770k that doesn't OC worth a damn https://www.dropbox.com/s/egpxlrybhwe9jwl/20141225_031042.jpg?dl=0 #3 SOLD is c6 2000 Pi sticks, didn't mess with them much, they didn't match my really good c6 2000 kit so thats all I needed to know 175shipped in the US one stick passes32m i think 2750mhz, tight 2666 preset with 5 io both do tight 2666 settings on z97 asrock https://www.dropbox.com/s/vjorqw3u59zy5h9/2750%20sell%20kit.png?dl=0 guess they both boot into windows with c8 2750 but one causes fail in pi https://www.dropbox.com/s/kumezs4bgppctlr/20141225_024612.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/hp4da42znwhqoq5/c6200%20sellin%20kit.png?dl=0 2666 tight presets 4 is some psc I bought off ocn gamer, wasn't impressive g.skill trident 60$ https://www.dropbox.com/s/vm6vslndb0yd31x/20141225_153439.jpg?dl=0 5. Ripjaws 7-8-7 " tested some rips but couldn't find one that does 2600 at 1.945v tight TWCL but I gotlucky I found one. with cold maybe the ram can do 2700+ . " bought from djhenzjen 75$ https://www.dropbox.com/s/u1agi27vrv1285k/20150113_182838.jpg?dl=0 6. 6x2GB A-Data Gaming2.0 DDR3-2000 9-9-9-24 1,55-1,75v "Bought for tests, and I got exactly what I not searched for, highend KO8155 HJ PCB and obviously Elpida BDBG, which in spite of being well binned are not what I wanted as these are only fully useful on cold. One stick is defective, five others do specs at 1,5v and 1200 8-11-8 memtest below 1,75v on z77, on z87 I tested two random sticks for 2400 8-11-8-28 twcl6 at 1,75v 32M, 2600 boots and passes memtest also on Z77 with these sticks, All six sticks have same batch and identical partnumber/serialnumber and therefore are free to be combined. With highend PCB they might well be an excellent option on cold, no matter if they are bdbg or psc" 150USD https://www.dropbox.com/s/2fhsxs40gexwhaz/20150113_181557.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/vlj2y2734tz0nve/20150113_173012.jpg?dl=0 7. G.Skill 2x2GB DDR3-2000 cas9 ( F3 16000CL9D 4GBRM ) "My best PSC memory for low cas latency 6 and 7 , used only to play PCMark05 bench. Very good overclocking memory. Never took it sub-sero where this memory really shine. Price = $75US Dollar" one stick was weak in my testing, one did 2666 fine while the other would not even appear at such settings, maybe worked at 2600 most likely just at stock settings, sticks may have been dirty corner is slightly damaged at top of sticks https://www.dropbox.com/s/w2tt6xk8frbdwjg/20150113_184355.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/44rk4l6drjw3v5x/20150113_184606.jpg?dl=0 8. g.skill c7 2200 Pi 2x2gb https://www.dropbox.com/s/f8z22de0xttkmco/20150113_183116.jpg?dl=0 One stick passes 2666, one causes errors at those settings 150shipped 9 g.skill ripjaws c7 2200 I bought them like this and one of the stickers mysteriously vanished by the time i was taking pictures today. will try to locate. 125shipped https://www.dropbox.com/s/37dq40crz5wlsbm/20150113_183221.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/8qzys45yffi66o5/20150113_183317.jpg?dl=0 10. g.skill ripjaws c7 2133 https://www.dropbox.com/s/cyousgz11i3gb39/20150113_183425.jpg?dl=0 125$shipped 11 g.skill ripjaws c7 2200 PCB has a damaged corner but runs fine, I was assured by gunslinger whom I purchased it from that g.skill would RMA them if I wanted https://www.dropbox.com/s/n5aj456v9ly2vbi/20150113_183658.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/tve50yupfupfg7v/20150113_183638.jpg?dl=0 125$ shipped 12. PENDING g.skill pi 2200 c7 pcb ko-8117 https://www.dropbox.com/s/2lrrbfc8dimdx4h/20150114_023645.jpg?dl=0 2666 supertight https://www.dropbox.com/s/twihw6gqc544kz2/2666%202200%202600%20preset.png?dl=0 both sticks posted 2750 but failed to load windows 1.92 so lower voltage than average 150 usd Disclaimers; All items with descriptions in quotes are copy pasted and edited from the threads i bought them. Intl. Shipping available but discouraged due to price and just I don't feel comfortable with the packing options available, I couldn't guarantee their safe arrival. also due to current euro values all usd quotes are equall to euro quotes, so 150usd is 150euros, the difference if any will cover the added shipping costs though depending on logistics intl. Shipping may req. additional fees Also I package items as much as I can. this includes but is not limited to bubblewrap, antistatic foam, and packing peanuts. paypal preferred tests available upon request, I have 4930k 4790k and 3930k chips with great IMCs I just have misplaced most of the runs I have done with these kits, I mostly used them on my 3930k and since have upgraded a few times no voltage testing was done on my end, my chip seems to be power hungry based on the info I received at the sticks' time of purchase For example: My best kit is supposed to do 2666 tight at well under 1.9v but I have never had a successful bout without being over 1.92v
  17. https://www.dropbox.com/s/t6yno7f4g3hi07j/20141223_125126.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/4d16vwx4s1i7yuu/20141223_125101.jpg?dl=0 So I got this for a good price and the person who sold it to me said it almost certainly works. he got it with an identical one and it works fine, this one just needs a gauge problem is he wont tell me jack about getting a gauge. So, I have come here to see if anyone can help me figure out what I need to do to get a pressure gauge for this. Or is it something that I just need to find any liquid nitrogen tank gauge? I looked it up and know all about how to work it and what psi it needs to move X amount of LN2 Basically I need something this big because its the only way I can get LN2 delivered and not have to drive 23.6 miles to somewhere, then another 23.6 miles back. which is probably not legal and I don't even have a vehicle. SO if anyone could point me in the right direction I would be VERY appreciative.
  18. DAMN! if only i had a car... or something I live in AZ. And i have been dying for an excuse to whip out my kingston bdbg kit ESPECIALLY to introduce it to some COLD -tatm
  19. That's no fair! I want some QQ my good pair of c6 200 needs a mate for my 4930K alex@ro had some c8 2300 for 200E
  20. what do you try for on air before you decide whether or not to take it on LN2? x.x that was supposed to be PM sorry
  21. well I have one of these and all the 775 boards i had were ddr2 so I was just surprised. I haven't got around to that board yet.
  22. is it ddr3?
  23. I bought a ton of these kits at 60-75 per pair of sticks They arent that crazy a bin
  24. Usa 85308 i want it shipped with extra padding, purely as a preventitive measure as usps has been destroying my stuff
  25. Ill take it If its still available
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