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Everything posted by Random

  1. Random

    Part out....

    never got a reply about those kpc pots
  2. Random

    Part out....

    Can i get an estimate for a fat gpu pot and a skinny gpu pot to the US, separately.
  3. Wow when is that ddr4 stick coming out?
  4. I was wondering what shipping to USA zipcode 85308 would be like Do you have an account on OCN or facebook or perhaps email? I can't even reply to your messages. I will edit this post to exclude ,my contact info after you get ahold of me
  5. PM me interested in soc force ln2 but I can't PM you your username is not found "The following users were not found: Icke&Er"
  6. 80$after tax for a 50L but they bend some rules for me
  7. Random

    WTB gold 4930k

    Thank you, man. It's just... There's nothing... like jumping through hoops for people and going out of your way to do things for them on your own accord to be nice and then they spit in your freaking face.
  8. Random

    WTB gold 4930k

    wow.. just wow.. I almost done with this completely... standby for me to sell all my stuff because people are freaking cruel
  9. Random

    4930K 3331B512

    PM sent to seller.. what the freak do you mean sold?
  10. can you not see what version they are through the packaging? I mean last I knew Dom plats were easy to tell just by looking what version they are
  11. Random

    WTB gold 4930k

    6ghz+ with great IMC USA found thanks hwbot
  12. other sets went for 150 super quick because I bought them and now am tapped out of funds for DDR3. and I already have 5 of these kits now I doubt anyone else would be willing to go past 125, I only went to 150 because I didn't have any before and was expecting to overspend in order to bin for some cherry PSC
  13. whoops double post tried to PM >.<
  14. well thats great. so now I am never gonna get one.. This is such a crap move on gigabytes part. only making 100, not telling anyone its out... I will never buy a part from gigabyte after this nonsense drum up hype by making limited release board. no announcement of sale whatsoever. no way to find out when it will go on sale. no response from anyone on facebook. support told me to wait for an announcement on their home page. That never freaking happened. I hope the impact 2 is good enough to blow this out of the water.
  15. Still looking for an soc force ln2
  16. updated
  17. Any idea when they'd be out in the US? I check pretty much every day. Or where? FFS even that much would give me some peace of mind I am just waiting to find it for sale! money in hand! lol
  18. I am looking for some MFR or CFR or PSC that will actually achieve some good times... and push some IMCs ASAPI would like some stuff to pass 4000mhz with 4790k and LN2 of courseASAP Also, some really low cas stuff. Around 2500mhz for my 3930k. Maybe 2600mhz if I get lucky with ln2.. it does 2530mhz on air has been my best with it, but I don't know if I can improve that when i ln2 it and a 2011 board to bench sb-e withfound I need a mem pot as well. No real preference on who made it. I could probably use a k-probe sensor and unit as well I am located in the USA. paypal, amazon payments, are preferred but I am flexible tatmmrkiv on OCN for some trader rating PREFERABLY I'd like to keep ram under 200 usd per binned kit or as close to 200 as possible. Mobos I don't want to spend much on x79 board as its only for SB-e and I am going to ln2 it unless its nicer than my daily rive(has sound)but even then 250 is probably my max, , mempot close to 50 as possible spare foor x79, will do few hundred plus for an ECC , ALL quotes in USD, please.. no crazy euros.. I am not made of money
  19. I need some good ddr2 for celeron D 352 overclocking I'd like more of my KHX2133c9ad3x2k2/4gx Also looking for some MFR or CFR or PSC that will actually acheive some good scores... especially some really low cas stuff around 2500 for my 3930k maybe 2600 as far as that goes also looking for gigabyte z97 SOC force LN2 but I would like some stuff to pass 4000mhz I need a mem pot as well USA paypal amazon payments preferred tatmmrkiv on OCN
  20. I have some kingston bdbg but I like it whats it for though? I have issues past c7 2133 with it
  21. is there still some left?
  22. NO CRAP SUZUKI every time I see gunslingers sales I just almost want to block him.. just so I don't have too see all the amazing components I can't afford at the moment
  23. can it still be used for 775?
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