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Everything posted by richba5tard

  1. The rules state that if a submission is not suspicious and does not have global points, it will not be blocked because of small mistakes with verification. We do not block for the sake of blocking.
  2. Very cool, but like you mention yourself this would be much more interesting if it were written in OpenCL. Otherwise you'll have ATI fanboys burning down your house if we ever give this points.
  3. The rules state that if a submission does not receive global points, is not suspicious, and has small screenshot mistakes (like not showing memory tab), it will not be blocked.
  4. I followed F1 as a little kid (late 80's, early 90's), but stopped watching when it got boring. If you saw the first round you pretty much knew the outcome. Is F1 exciting again these days?
  5. Community based competitions are free of charge, but we don't have a userfriendly wizard (yet). Contact Massman with what kind of comp you'd like to setup.
  6. Indeed. The notification mechanism has been improved to show the following: - when you gain or lose a global rank < 20 - when you gain or lose a hardware rank < 10 - when you gain or lose points (> 0.3 i think) - when you gain an achievement - when someone commented on one of your submissions. A summary is shown on the front page when you log in. The complete list is in your personal profile.
  7. NickShih is back to #1, good thing I grabbed a screenshot.
  8. Send them to me too please, Massman is on a business trip to Cebit. frederikcolardyn@hwbot.org
  9. Enter DDR3 in the memory type field, and be sure to select DDR3 from the dropdown list.
  10. Fixed as much as I could. Many changes need a REV3.5 update, no time for that right now.
  11. Thanks for the feedback! I'm trying to fix them one by one. I'll edit your posts if you don't mind. As the test server is REV3.5 beta, and the translation file was for REV3.0, some text is not translated yet. Eg: labels of tabs in your profile.
  12. I removed the ban manually. I remember adding an option in the user interface somewhere but I'm not sure where...
  13. Very cool oldskool desktop server you got there. It just begs for some watercooling.
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