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Everything posted by richba5tard

  1. Indeed, some text needs to be shortened. REV3.5 HWBOT France - Sneak peak: http://fr.hwbot.org:12080/rankings/benchmark/wprime_32m/rankings?&hardware=core_i5_670&manufacturer=intel "Classements de la communauté" sidebox title text is too long. Looking good for the rest though.
  2. Superb! I'll install them on the test server as soon as MM forwards it to me.
  3. Guys, developping such a features costs the company that owns HWBOT about 2000 euro (40h of analysis, coding, testing). Whether there is much demand for it or not, it does not make us have the required resources. Let's hope more manufacturers like GIGABYTE decide to partner up with HWBOT, so we can implement features faster.
  4. The preview is resized, but if you click the "open image" link on bottom right you see it full size.
  5. FYI, you can delete your submissions yourself by opening the submission, clicking the "more" tab, and then click the thrash icon.
  6. I'm looking into it. It's marked as your best submission but rank is not calculated for some reason.
  7. Fixed. There was a bug in the engine that prevented some submissions from receiving points. This should no longer happen in the future.
  8. Abit NF7-S, Epox 8RDA+ and a Chaintech 7JNS is good. Check this: http://hwbot.org/hardware/chipset/nforce_2 http://hwbot.org/hardware/chipset/nforce_2_ultra Good times...
  9. Hmm, that may be a tad too old to overclock easily. Afaik you need a high end P3 mobo, like the CUSL2, to overclock properly. Can you get an Athlon (XP) for cheap? Those cost nearly nothing and are easy to overclock.
  10. There are no strict rules, but you really don't have a cheap digicam?
  11. Can they send 12 to me too? Have fun!
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