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Everything posted by richba5tard

  1. Ticket ID: 8 Priority: Low Didn\'t find decent specs, but this should be ok for start:\r\n\r\nSPECIFICATIONS:\r\nZ500: 800MHz, 400MHz FSB, 512KB L2 cache\r\nZ510: 1.1GHz, 400MHz FSB, 512KB L2 cache\r\nZ520: 1.33GHz, 533MHz FSB, 512KB L2 cache\r\nZ530: 1.6GHz, 533MHz FSB, 512KB L2 cache\r\nZ540: 1.86GHz, 533MHz FSB, 512KB L2 cache\r\n\r\nN270: 1.6GHz, 533MHz FSB, 512KB L2 cache\r\n230: 1.6GHz, 533MHz FSB, 512KB L2 cache
  2. Ticket ID: 7 Priority: Low http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=m2s7fy.jpg\r\n\r\n750 - 900mhz is present
  3. Ticket ID: 6 Priority: Low http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/C3/VIA-C3-650MHz%20-%20Cyrix%20III-650MHz.html
  4. Ticket ID: 5 Priority: Low http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=20302&postcount=832
  5. Munstru, I believe you are referring to the general terms and conditions, which everyone had to sign when they signed up, or was forced to sign if registered before 15th of May. As for hardware sharing, every attempt to reach a consensus has failed, and we have tried many times. Thats why the old rules are still in place (see tac).
  6. I don't want to make a big database change each time another decimal after the comma is needed. I plan to make all scores natural digits only, and change time based benchmarks to milliseconds instead of seconds. It would make the engine faster and more bugfree.
  7. Both scores are rounded to 13.78. The latter one happens to be ranked 11th, and the other one 12th, hence the difference in points. - edit - Having submitted first will indeed get you ranked higher when ex aequo happens.
  8. Yes, validation requirements are more strict the higher profile your score is. It doesn't sound very unreasonable to me.
  9. Because if your score is doubtful for the hardware used, we have to be able to check whether it's a faulty submission or not. If there are no doubts, and if the result is completely on par with the expected, there is little reason to block a score.
  10. It's needed, but we won't block you score if you forget it sporadically and everything else seems a-ok.
  11. Hi Kabauterman, That's a real shame, displaying the resolution is indeed required. However, if your benchmark score is completely on par with your hardware running at that speed, we might work sth out. It's just that we have to threat everyone equally. Unblock yours and everyone starts nagging to unblock their score because of missing validation. FYI, when you submit a 3dMark06 score, there's a link to the rules & guidelines of 3DMark06.
  12. tiborrr, our rules are much like real life laws. One should not always be punished immediately when a rule has been bent/broken, if nothing is wrong. However, when the rules are broken repeatedly, or when we know there is something fishy but can't pinpoint what, we can follow our rules to the letter and block the score. We don't block scores just for the sake of blocking. Personally I don't find it very sportive you are nitpicking on all scores which are slightly faster than yours.
  13. Guys, don't be so rude to a newbie spambot.
  14. Should these additions cover all required feats for pp? Application: add min / max pp for each (applicable) bench app Validation: use min / max pp for manual submissions Result page: show pp indicate whether pp is good or not Hardware pages: show pp per processor / videocard core Search results: include pp (between) Moderation pages: show pp in overview show results with pp beyond min max of application
  15. I'm a bit reluctant to add this. We already got 1 and 32m. One for speed, one for stability. Why add more?
  16. Added feature request for tracking: http://hwbot.org/dev/view_bug.php?bug_id=50
  17. You mean awarded points and cups? The ranking system is set to run once at night atm, normally it's once an hour.
  18. I see your point. It would have been better if wPrime assigned eg 4 or 2 threads per dedected core, instead of 1, I agree. But it does not make it a seriously flawed benchmark program. Maybe something to talk over with the author for a next version.
  19. What's wrong with multithreading? If a processor core can do more work when doing multiple threads instead of one, it's a sign of good architecture, not cheating.
  20. We've made a lot of effort in improving the moderator tools for the crew, and finalizing the rules to which submissions need to comply in the last week. That's why all of the sudden old submissions are being moderated. We went from a reported submissions backlog of 1500 down to 200 in a few days, thanks to jmke, demiurg, massman and other result mods. I'll unblock your score as strictly speaking it isn't against the current set of rules.
  21. This rule (and all other rules) are in order for future submission, not past.
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