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Everything posted by richba5tard

  1. Yes, a tech 'geek' with spare time has a chance to get it working. The money isn't the issue, it's just that I don't want to spend a few nights of spare time on reinstalling another motherboard / windows / raid controller / etc. This is probably my last windows pc, I'm tired of drivers / tweaking / hw issues. I've been using macs for the last 2 years, and not once have I had an hw / driver / os issue. Maybe the 8800GT is a good price item for an hwbot contest.
  2. Yep, using XP. I use the onboard raid controller of the Asrock mobo, so switching won't work without reinstalling. : /
  3. If resolution is not shown in a screenshot, but the benchmark score is obviously correct for the hardware used, should we still block the score?
  4. The HD3850 worked fine after bios update. Asus P5K is affordable, but i don't have time to reinstall software & development environment. I'll see whether I can return the 8800GT.
  5. Well, I tried a 8800GT in my Asrock 4CoreDual-VSTA today. No workie. Other 8800's are in the compatibility list, but not the 8800 GT. : / http://www.asrock.com/mb/vga.asp?Model=4CoreDual-VSTA&s=n
  6. Seems like it's time to make a list of feats for v2.2
  7. Only mods can see that icon. Do we want to make it public?
  8. Hi jurek, If you doubt the result from another user, or think it lacks verification, please use the 'report' button and our mods will take care of it.
  9. You can click the "entry modification log" (book icon) to see comments why the result was blocked. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=699557
  10. He obviously ran it at the default settings, as he has the lowest HD3600 score... More proof is only required for HOF.
  11. gprhellas, both results have been edited.
  12. No, there's no avg. points / member, except for country rankings but those are purely informational and don't count pointless members.
  13. Predator, we will increase the amount of hardware points gained in popular categories shortly. As a matter of fact, we already did that adjustment, but we removed it before upgrading the engine as we want to be 100% sure the end effect is better than before.
  14. Because lot's of tweakers have recently invested in 8800GT(S)'s and can't be at the top, I assume.
  15. I think it is very, very likely the next gen nvidia series will be much faster. Heck, i think even the G9x based 8800GTX/Ultra will be faster.
  16. We have let the people make the choice, dramaqueen. ;)
  17. 2/3rd of those who voted, chose single rankings, so we will not change the rules. 1/3rd is a large group that disagrees, but i see no other solution.
  18. The Aussies have beaten us! We can not let this happen! Belgians, unite and gain us 0.3 hwboints to get back in the top 10! :banana:
  19. We have received a HUGE hosting bill last month. Hosting for januari was in the range of the price of a high end videocard. So currently all our coding effort goes to optimizing the html/images in order to reduce bandwidth use.
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