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Everything posted by richba5tard

  1. Recently a feature has been requested, for which we would like the opinion of the oc community in order to implement it as wanted. Some people would not like to participate the hwboint league, but do want to submit their scores to hwbot in order to get the official hwbot "world record". Eg. when an overclocker is sponsered by a hardware manufacturer, he can feel guilty because he gets much of his expensive hardware for free, making it easier to rule the hwbot rankings. We understand this issue, but the hwbot team can not agree on how we should solve this. The proposed solutions are: A user which has chosen not to participate to the hwbot league should: A) have identical profile functionality, his scores will receive points, his team will receive his points, but his profile will not receive a global/country/team rank: eg. he will not be ranked globally, in his country, or in his team. versus: B) will have a public profile without awards/points. His submissions will only be shown in his profile and by using the search function. A "World rankings" page will be added which will show the top 20 of each benchmark application (without showing points), people who do not participate in the hwbot league will be included here, but only here. The dev team has preference for the first option, as it can be implemented in less time, with cleaner code.
  2. The external api is for 3rd party developers, it's not meant for personal use. To compare specs, use the compare box: http://hwbot.org/#comparebox Or use the result finder: http://hwbot.org/init.results.search.do
  3. Are you seriously saying it requires no skill to make a world record run, as long as you have money? You need both skill and money if you want to compete with the top 50 on hwbot.
  4. What's the best videocard you can get for around 120 euro? A 9600GT? A fellow worker wants to upgrade his pc a bit so he can play red alert 3. He has a Asus P5B-VM and is currently using the integrated gpu. Requirements (in order of importance): - silent - mediocre gaming - low power consumption (PSU: 420W) Current system: Asus P5B-VM (with PCIe), E6600, 2GB DDR2, 420W PSU
  5. Search for the member on hwbot (http://hwbot.org/members.search.do), click on the member of your team you want to give team mod rights, click on the "give team moderator rights" link at the bottom.
  6. I applied the patch. The list of benchapps should be complete now.
  7. Welcome! :woot: Socket a was the last platform i seriously o/ced, have fun!!
  8. Happy Xmas. I just deployed hwbot v2.2.
  9. makes sense, i'll change it if i can remember this until tonight
  10. Ah ok, i was confusing it with 3dmark vantage. This should not happen, i'll look into it when i have time.
  11. Added canardpc as a valid verification url.
  12. hmm, the user klaus referred to a team that no (longer?) exists. i fixed this, but it should not happen.
  13. hmm, the scheduler stopped doing it's job hourly 2 days ago, at nine in the morning. i wonder why? mysql> select * from task order by task_id desc limit 100; +---------+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+ | task_id | name | status | start_date | end_date | +---------+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+ | 12764 | RankingFacade - recalculate team points | completed | 2008-11-26 23:06:34 | 2008-11-26 23:06:38 | | 12763 | RankingFacade - recalculate member rank and points | completed | 2008-11-26 23:06:21 | 2008-11-26 23:06:34 | | 12762 | RankingFacade - recalculate result rank and points | completed | 2008-11-26 22:55:02 | 2008-11-26 23:06:21 | | 12761 | RankingFacade - recalculate team points | completed | 2008-11-26 09:26:46 | 2008-11-26 09:26:50 | | 12760 | RankingFacade - recalculate member rank and points | completed | 2008-11-26 09:26:32 | 2008-11-26 09:26:46 | | 12759 | RankingFacade - recalculate result rank and points | completed | 2008-11-26 09:16:24 | 2008-11-26 09:26:32 | | 12758 | RankingFacade - recalculate team points | completed | 2008-11-25 23:42:48 | 2008-11-25 23:42:52 | | 12757 | RankingFacade - recalculate member rank and points | completed | 2008-11-25 23:42:39 | 2008-11-25 23:42:48 | | 12756 | RankingFacade - recalculate result rank and points | completed | 2008-11-25 23:31:55 | 2008-11-25 23:42:39 | | 12755 | RankingFacade - recalculate team points | completed | 2008-11-25 16:32:02 | 2008-11-25 16:32:05 | | 12754 | RankingFacade - recalculate member rank and points | completed | 2008-11-25 16:31:52 | 2008-11-25 16:32:02 | | 12753 | RankingFacade - recalculate result rank and points | completed | 2008-11-25 16:22:04 | 2008-11-25 16:31:52 | | 12752 | RankingFacade - recalculate team points | completed | 2008-11-25 09:17:27 | 2008-11-25 09:17:31 | | 12751 | RankingFacade - recalculate member rank and points | completed | 2008-11-25 09:17:19 | 2008-11-25 09:17:27 | | 12750 | RankingFacade - recalculate result rank and points | completed | 2008-11-25 09:08:51 | 2008-11-25 09:17:19 | | 12749 | RankingFacade - recalculate team points | completed | 2008-11-25 09:08:46 | 2008-11-25 09:08:50 | | 12748 | RankingFacade - recalculate member rank and points | completed | 2008-11-25 09:08:37 | 2008-11-25 09:08:46 | | 12747 | RankingFacade - recalculate result rank and points | completed | 2008-11-25 08:57:36 | 2008-11-25 09:08:37 | | 12746 | RankingFacade - recalculate all team rank and points | completed | 2008-11-24 08:50:00 | 2008-11-24 08:53:32 | | 12745 | RankingFacade - recalculate member rank and points | completed | 2008-11-24 08:35:00 | 2008-11-24 08:35:04 | | 12744 | RankingFacade - recalculate team points | completed | 2008-11-24 08:30:00 | 2008-11-24 08:30:03 | | 12743 | RankingFacade - recalculate result rank and points | completed | 2008-11-24 08:15:00 | 2008-11-24 08:22:56 | | 12742 | RankingFacade - recalculate member rank and points | completed | 2008-11-24 07:35:00 | 2008-11-24 07:35:04 | | 12741 | RankingFacade - recalculate team points | completed | 2008-11-24 07:30:00 | 2008-11-24 07:30:03 | | 12740 | RankingFacade - recalculate result rank and points | completed | 2008-11-24 07:15:00 | 2008-11-24 07:24:14 | | 12739 | RankingFacade - recalculate member rank and points | completed | 2008-11-24 06:35:00 | 2008-11-24 06:35:04 | | 12738 | RankingFacade - recalculate team points | completed | 2008-11-24 06:30:00 | 2008-11-24 06:30:03 | | 12737 | RankingFacade - recalculate result rank and points | completed | 2008-11-24 06:15:00 | 2008-11-24 06:24:31 | | 12736 | RankingFacade - recalculate member rank and points | completed | 2008-11-24 05:35:00 | 2008-11-24 05:35:04 | | 12735 | RankingFacade - recalculate team points | completed | 2008-11-24 05:30:00 | 2008-11-24 05:30:03 | | 12734 | RankingFacade - recalculate result rank and points | completed | 2008-11-24 05:15:00 | 2008-11-24 05:24:15 | | 12733 | RankingFacade - recalculate all team rank and points | completed | 2008-11-24 04:50:00 | 2008-11-24 04:52:49 | | 12732 | RankingFacade - recalculate member rank and points | completed | 2008-11-24 04:35:00 | 2008-11-24 04:35:04 | I'll reboot the scheduler.
  14. Like Massman said, we will not spend our resources managing submissions of deprecated benchmark software.
  15. Which submission are you talking about? You know only your best score gets global points, right? (with the exception of single/sli in 3d rankings)
  16. Hi beleno, Your hardware points are limited to 300 (or was it 400?), if you want to go above that, you need more global points. You earn hardware points for having the fastest videocard/processor in it's category, you earn global points for having the fastest superpi/3dmark/... score.
  17. Hi K404, Jabski's profile is up to date and so is the hardware masters page (he is listed as hardware master). Maybe the confusion is that you get only 1 achievement per category (one based on global points and one based on hardware points or cups), so you can't be both hardware master and hardware junkie, as hardware master is better. Is this confusing? The answer to your other question is daily. At 00:00h all achievements are updated.
  18. this should avoid confusion for people who don't read the rules. Even though they checked the box "i read the rules".
  19. physx drivers are not allowed. This is both in our rules, and generally agreed by the oc community. http://hwbot.org/benchmark.application.info.do?applicationId=17#rules Demiurg is just enforcing the rules.
  20. Thanks Ryder, the keywords for the bot scanning were indeed not well configured. Every description with "920" in it was matched to a i7 920... not a very good idea. : ) They're fixed now. Thanks for reporting!
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