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Everything posted by richba5tard

  1. The submissions are also clearly linked when submitting a result. You even can't submit if you haven't checked the box. Not clear enough?
  2. fisherprice rainforest... i'll note it down.
  3. Any other stuff that's a 'must buy' in the states?
  4. Just type "48" in the videocard textfield when submitting a result and it will show a list of cards with "48" in it. eg 4850, 4870, ...
  5. thx for the info Even if you can't unlock it, it can still be used as a touch + gps. : )
  6. I'll be on Holiday in California the next 3 weeks. As the iphone 3G is about 4x as expensive here in Belgium, it's darn interesting to buy one in the states. However, it seems you are required to sign a phone contract in the shop nowadays... is there any way around this?
  7. I've received a mail from massman, will merge them when i have time. Please use the helpcenter feature for support.
  8. That's the spirit! :woot:
  9. Because if you have a checksum, it must be valid. It's sucky we had technical issues last week. : /
  10. No, no_name's submissions are valid according to our rules: http://www.hwbot.org/benchmark.application.info.do?applicationId=15&name=wPrime%201024m#rules Checksum validation is required for top 20, he is in top 50. Below top 20 a valid screenshot suffices.
  11. happy birthday! :D

  12. opengl should not be a negative point, imho. If ATI sucks in opengl rendering, they should improve their product. OpenGL is used in many applications and is the only good cross platform 3d rendering framework. If a cheatfree version comes out, we should consider it!
  13. i don't It's shows up fine for me. Some subforums, like this one, is filtered as i don't want support and questions on front page
  14. Well, 2 reasons: - both are developped by a different hobyist programmer, in a different language, using an api that hasn't been tested professionaly - there's no contract between hwbot and wprime. If a bug appears, we don't fix it asap but as soon as we have ample spare time. That being said, is the problem still persistent? I think i fixed it last night.
  15. added caching invalidation on forum topics, the forum topics cache was 3 days old.
  16. Hi gprhellas, Thanks for the problem report. I'm looking into it. - edit - I think wprime conflicted with the recently added "please agree to terms and conditions" filter. I've fixed this and my wprime submission is now marked as valid. Can you confirm?
  17. It last ran at 2008-06-18 14:22:49. hmm, why did it stop? I'll check.
  18. User 01001 is not you? Only change the name of "01001 & cole2109" to "subOholic"?
  19. SF3D, did xt0m use your videocard for 3d benches or cpu for 2d benches or not? It's not clear to me.
  20. Beier, hw sharing rules are still the same as day one. See tac.
  21. I just remembered that the test server is not scheduled to calculate hwboints, so it wouldn't do you much good.
  22. You're not seriously asking to mess with _everyone's_ ranking for a whole week, ruin the historical data and leave it up to us to clean it up afterwards? You can play on the test server if you just want to see how many points it would give you.
  23. Ticket ID: 9 Priority: Low http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=21701&postcount=878
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