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Everything posted by richba5tard

  1. It takes a lot of work to manage the specs behind it. The idea is good though.
  2. k404, this has been requested multiple times, but the algorithm was written to produce one end result (global + hw points). It is possible to show hw and global points separately, but in its current form it would require too much resources from our server. @jabski: There is such page but it's in beta status: http://www.hwbot.org/result.rank.change.do?userId=5573&days=7 In it's current form it's also a very heavy page to load, so don't spread the link too much. : )
  3. Gothrek, we are working on a system to have an inbetween option between "ok" and "blocked": "warned". eg. a result which is fine but lacks some minor validation, will be marked as "warned", but no actions will be taken untill the user has received xxx warnings.
  4. Hmmm, I might have to reconsider this. Physx enabled nvidia drivers may cause problems verifying submissions without futuremark link. I'll discuss this with the crew.
  5. I'm currently finetuning the vantage rules, but the rules will be similar as other 3Dmark benches: clear screenshots with cpu-z+gpu-z+memory and score are accepted except for top 20 scores.
  6. Thanks for all the testing guys! Free hwboints for everyone!
  7. Ok people, it's time we close the poll. The outcome hasn't changed much in the past 2 weeks. It ends in 68.44% in favor, 31.56% against. It's obvious most of the community wants to see Vantage added, yet many are still against it. We can't please everyone, but we can please the majority. We have made a deal with Futuremark to offer Vantage for a reduced price (about 25% off) for hwbot members. I hope this will convince some of the 31% to use Vantage. Hwboints will be enabled as soon as the have the reduced price Vantage edition ready, we are aiming at next Monday.
  8. Everything seems to be configured fine, the bot login works, but it isn't able to edit your posts. It must be a version conflict like Maxi said. We do not recommend using InvisionPB for hwbot as it often gives this kind of error. One thing you can do, is check the error page of each both once a week, and copy&paste the current ranking into your forum: eg: http://www.hwbot.org/viewErrorPage.do?botId=3186 It isn't an ideal solution but it's better than maintaining the rankings by hand.
  9. A possible solution for this issue would be to only count points towards the team total for the best result of each hardware configuration (for each benchmark). eg. person a of team a has a Q6600 running at 4.2Ghz in CPU-Z worth 10 hwboints person b of team a also has a Q6600, running at 4.1Ghz in CPU-Z worth 8 hwboints Both results would be added to their personal total, but only the result of person a would count towards the team total. This algorithm would have several benefits: + hw sharing between team mates is discouraged, and does not have to be monitored by mods + it pushes teams to differentiate in their hardware setup But also drawbacks: - large teams with members running mostly the same kind of popular hardware (eg E8500 + HD4870), would see a significant drop in hwboints - it discourages people who are not top overclockers and have very common hardware to join their team
  10. The configured login/pwd is incorrect, please doublecheck!
  11. We are running a bit behind on open tickets, i know. The helpcenter plugin isn't very flexible and lacks some key features but it will have to do.
  12. I fear that it won't be free in the near future. We can try to lower the price...
  13. I work on both a laptop and a desktop. The SSD drive is intended for my workstation. A slow drive is more annoying in Win XP than Mac OSX imho. Which disk drives perform better than SSD? I hate noise, heat, and useless power usage, so I try to avoid 10k or 15k drives.
  14. I use my workstation primarely to develop code and play a game once in a while, so a fast disk would do me some good. Are the new OCZ 32GB SSD drives any good? They are more or less affordable, and 32GB is enough to get me going. Anyone experience with these drives? Or is it still too soon to use SSD drives?
  15. It's 77% in favor atm, but I'll leave the poll open until friday evening. If it's still +70% in favor of giving points to Vantage, the competition will be fierce this weekend.
  16. Should we award points to 3DMark Vantage scores? Initially 3DMark Vantage was denied hwboints because the following reasons: - hwbot rules states a benchmark application should be free (can be ignored by community vote) - it requires MS Vista, many of us still see no reason to upgrade from WinXP. - initially it was not possible in the 20$ version to view or save your score offline. This has been fixed.
  17. Okay, I'll make a new poll and make a news announcement.
  18. I think it would be fair to change the "a benchmark has to be free in order to be applicable for hwboints" into "a benchmark has to be free or has to be backed up by a community poll". I personally do not mind enabling hwboints if the majority of the community wants it. I still think we made the right decision when vantage was released. We can't just add any non-free benchapp. If it turned out to be crap, we would force people to buy a bad benchapp in order to be high on the hwboints list.
  19. Ok, so far i got the idea of buying fisher prince and smuggling kinder surprise from jurek. All great ideas(*)!! (*)for a import/export company ran by a 6 year old
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