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Everything posted by sabishiihito

  1. Remaining Samsung kits, BBSE sticks, Pentium 3419C043, 4790k L421B956 sold@OCN.
  2. Getting rid of a bunch of partes I no longer need/use. All prices in USD, shipping to USA only. CPUs will ship with retail box and cooler. 1. Generic Elpida BBSE DDR3 3x2GB SOLD Nothing special here, bought them off eBay a while back. $25 shipped. 2. 4x4GB Team Xtreem DDR3-2400C9 Samsung HCH9-based kit. Never pushed these very far but they seemed average in terms of voltage needed for overclocking. $150 shipped. 3. 4x4GB G.Skill Ripjaws 4 DDR4-3000 Pretty standard bin of Hynix DDR4 from G.Skill. These sticks are thoroughly average in terms of overclocking. $150USD shipped. 8x4GB Samsung generic HYK0 low-voltage DDR3-1600 This is four separate 2x4GB kits of the so-called Samsung "Wonder RAM" that was very popular a few years back. I have four different batches, 1134, 1205, 1219 and 1220. Not much difference in clocks between them from what I remember. $40USD shipped per pair, $150USD shipped for all eight sticks. 4. Batch 1134 SOLD 5. Batch 1205 SOLD 6. Batch 1219 SOLD 7. Batch 1220 SOLD 4x Intel Pentium G3258 Bought a bunch of these for binning IMC, all seemed decent with PSC and BBSE for 2600C8. Never really tested for core overclocking. $45 shipped per chip, $175 shipped for all four. 8. Batch 3418B967 SOLD 9. Batch 3418C015 SOLD 10. Batch 3419C043 SOLD 11. Batch 3421B725 SOLD 2x Intel Core I7 4790K CPUs Both low voltage chips with great IMCs, 2666C8 on BBSE and PSC was possible even cranking up the core and uncore clocks. On air I think both of these could do 4.7GHz with about 1.3v stable, 4.8GHz 1.35v for Super Pi 32M benching and I found a few 4.9GHz runs with 1.4v, but YMMV. $275 shipped apiece. 12. Batch L331C501 SOLD 13. Batch L421B956 SOLD Paypal only method of payment accepted, thanks for looking. https://www.heatware.com/eval.php?id=71936
  3. Pentium G3258 Batch 3418C015, IMC test on PSC. Good for 2666C8 tWCL6 tight tertiaries. Also tested 3418B967 chip, passed 2666C8 as well.
  4. Z97 M7F seems capable so far (just got one and tested 2666C8), but won't post any pics seeing as how this is an Asrock OCF thread
  5. Is the Z97 Maximus VII Formula not as capable as the Gene? I know the Impact beats both due to shorter memory traces.
  6. Tested G.Skill Pi 2400C8 on the Asrock, they do 2666C8 with 1.85v (lowest of any PSC I've tested). Would NOT do 2666 on Asus Z87 with the same CPU. Dunno what magic sauce Nick Shih and the engineers sprinked on the OCF but it works.
  7. Picked up a kit of the black version:
  8. Testing my LPX kit with my new bunny extraction 5960X (needs too much voltage for 4.5GHz). 1500MHz CL12 is easy enough, but CL11 is no go. I need some stronger Hynix.
  9. 5960X, L430B989 Malaysia VID 1.00v Can't boot into Windows at 4.5GHz under 1.25v, passed CB R15 but crashed before I could even take a screen grab.
  10. Man you gonna make me pull that board out the box and hook it back up lol
  11. 4790K Batch L421B956 4.8GHz 1.3v 30 minutes XTU stable
  12. 5930K 3424B376 IMC died running 24/7 4x8GB D9RGQ at 2400 1.2v :-/
  13. Somewhat related/unrelated; I made a LOT of progress this afternoon with BBSE (Ripjaws X 2133C8) on Z97 OC Formula 2666 8-12-7-24-1T tCWL7 1.92v 4GHz 2C/2T 2666 8-11-7-24-1T tCWL6 1.92v 4GHz 2C/2T 2666 8-11-7-24-1T tCWL6 1.92v 4GHz 4C/8T
  14. Found the specs on those PCBs: http://www.super-team.com.tw/datapdf/Super-Team%20PCB-List-%202009-09.12.07.pdf
  15. KO-8117 PCB on these sticks, need more than 1.92v for 2600C8 tCWL6 and tight tertiaries, but 1.96v was too much. 1.95v is apparently the sweet spot, will see if they can do 2666.
  16. Got a nice deal on an open-box R5E from Micro Center, playing with the memory presets as I still don't have a good feel for X99/DDR4.
  17. I can do it at 2600, and can boot 2666 tWCL6, but it isn't 32M stable.
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