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Everything posted by Gunslinger

  1. The only place I've seen them is on EBay. I bet South America has plenty of stock though.
  2. Here's what the homepage looks like. http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e19/mgorius/homepage.jpg Here I've got the mouse icon over the search box on the homepage. http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e19/mgorius/hoveringoversearchbox.jpg Here I've got the mouse icon over one of the clickable icons. The arrow turns to the hand with the pointing index finger. Print screen does not capture that however. http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e19/mgorius/clickableinterface.jpg
  3. 5.96 SB, check 5.63 SB-E, check $230 MSI s1155 motherboard, negative. $389 MSI s2011 motherboard, negative. (and out of stock) $600 MSI R7970 Lightning, negative. (and out of stock) $1,200 in hardware not counting LN2, just to participate, they could have at least limited it to one platform. Good luck gents.
  4. IE 8 I believe.
  5. From work when I load the HWBot home page, all I get is a blank white page. All clickable links and tabs are present but invisible. You can tell because the arrow turns to the hand when it goes over them. Is there a windows setting that needs to be changed to be able to see it? I believe the OS is Win 7 Enterprise if that helps, using IE 8 and I don't have the admin status to change much. The forum page works fine, just the home page has issues.
  6. I agree 100% ... except that there is no way back, where there is a will, there is a way.
  7. Lightning's in at the 'Egg http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127670&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-RSSDailyDeals-_-na-_-na&AID=10521304&PID=4003003&SID=kq5anruba2yw If I had one of these I'd participate.
  8. When is this thing going to hit retail shops?
  9. That very well could happen going forward, but the results that are already completed and ranked and have all the required information in the screenshot are 100% valid IMO. The rules do not state a specific order of open x, open y, open z, then save data file, so we should not be punishing/removing results that comply to the current rules.
  10. I don't mean the 3DR file, I mean the screen shot. The same scenario can be done in the FM benches as what you've expressed concern over with Heaven.
  11. This can also be done with all the FM benchmarks, so why single out Heaven.
  12. +1 Nobody wants to look like a fool, I think part of the problem is the language translation. But with that said, it is alot of the same stuff over and over and over. Not sure it's really needed, but if it's necessary then so be it, as long as it is clearly spelled out in the rules.
  13. The screenshot meets the rules posted here: http://hwbot.org/news/3546_application_23_rules/ If you want a specific order, it must be clearly spelled out in the rules, which it is not.
  14. This thread is full of lulz, now there's an order as to which things must be opened and then the SS taken. w.t.f.ever
  15. Maybe we can find a way to calculate total frames skipped, then we can add a new category and award WR's for most frames skipped per 3D bench.
  16. Yeah, I'd rather clock my GPU or CPU higher to get a better score than have some software trick the bench into thinking it ran faster than it really did, you can call me old fashioned I guess.
  17. How many more pages before we can get a poll?
  18. How did this run compare to a run without MVP ?
  19. Nice run! Define "affordable" Mine will be here tomorrow.
  20. Pretty nice score! Not if you're using the latest version of 3DMark '11
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