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Everything posted by der8auer

  1. Well the basic price for copper per kilo is around 6,2 € while it is about 1,9 € for Aluminium. It's not realy possible to get it cheap
  2. You guys srsly want solid copper memory pot? Well it's no problem for me. Just costs 3 times more and I'm not sure whether this is an overkill for memory with the few watts power consumption Let me know what you think about this.
  3. der8auer

    No words....

    what the... I don't even
  4. Yep It's about time for that =)
  5. No offense to Ryba but this seems to be a typical issue with him. He often did not reply to customers in the past.
  6. Thank you Now I can finish my late night work
  7. Hey there Does anybody have a 1366 Board and can measure this for me please?
  8. der8auer

    The Fail

    The Kit was dead before btw.
  9. Would be awsome. All me recent files did not work. Filesize was correct with about 250kb but still error while uploading. And without .NET FW would be even better
  10. I had the ECS Z77 golden board here for testing. The hardware is not bad and the design is actually pretty nice. The biggest problem is their BIOS. On Auto the BCLK was at around 99,3 so I set it to 100 -> System didn't boot anymore. 2 BIOS versions later I could boot 104 BCLK and a maximum of 2133 memory. The best was if you set all the settings and saved them to a profile it reset your BIOS completely and everything was gone They should take some Boards from MSI, GIGABYTE or ASUS and take a look at their BIOS. If ECS can get to their level they have a chance. The best board won't help if the BIOS is crap.
  11. I'm not experienced enough to judge about PCMark2005. There are too many tweaks I don't know so I don't moderate PCM05
  12. Well I guess not everybody is following the forums and every single posting. You can't expect everybody to take down the scores withing 5 minutes
  13. No Problem It was not a big issue so no worries Your new submission looks fine!
  14. zupernico I had to block the score due to missing GPU-Z screenshot firstly. No matter if the score is too high or not but you always have to post GPU-Z
  15. I understand your point but actually we never had issues with impartiality in the last years. PCMark2005 is different to every other benchmark. Normally a result gets reportet and in 99% it's clear whether to block or check the result. Now PCM05 comes up with unique tweaks we have to ckeck and test. That's actually the problem. If you tweak any other benchmark you might get 2-5% higher score. If we see a good run we say "hey - nice performance" and don't have to know each tweak. You guys are tweaking PCMark more than 100%. Obviously this is completely different and needs a different approach.
  16. Feel free to explain all PCMark2005 tweaks to me. The problem is that I propably won't understand them as I never do any PC05 No One reason that we are part of the staff is because we are experienced in benchmarking. Obviously we like benching as much as everybody else here and I won't give up points and everything just to be moderator Don't forget that we're volunteers and don't get payed for it. And it's good that we don't get payed because I can decide the time to moderate. If I'm not in the mood - I just don't do anything.
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