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Everything posted by Massman

  1. Chip is begging for delids
  2. Awesome team logo! :celebration:
  3. :ws: Vivi`s GPUPI - 1B score: 22sec 60ms with a GeForce GTX 1060
  4. Alright, put this one up. Looking forward to see the comparison results
  5. What's the TLDR?
  6. As @FUGGER mentioned, sometimes there's a leak with permission by the vendor. In that case it's to build up hype. Most of the early leaks by media is to get more views, audience and maybe advertising dollars.
  7. Even though I still used hand-cut neoprene, it's not that difficult to make an XOC system look relatively clean on the OBT
  8. @jmke!! It's been such a long time, how have you been? We had the Vive around in the office for a bit, but frankly didn't continue with it that much. The VR experience has been "nice", but nothing mind-blowing. Do you have a video of your system?
  9. Has anyone seen a big leak from a YouTube channel or any other form of media aside from web publications?
  10. Hey guys, I just wanted to write a quick message on the new site we prepared for the World Tour information. Firstly, here's the link: Home | HWBOT World Tour. We want to improve the World Tour next year and along with additional events, we also wanted a nicer site than just a single page to share all the information of past and future events. We already added as much information as possible from the previous events, including our very first event in Taiwan in 2014 called the HWBOT OC Anniversary Gathering. We're adding the general information, aftermovies and of course event pictures. After wrapping up the Championship last weekend, I'm also able to do a small write-up shedding some light on some of the costs and organizational challenges we faced during the past year. I hope to have that out before the end of the year so we can start fresh in January. Even though it's been a difficult and stressful 2016 for all the staff helping out at the events and spending lots of free time trying to make it work, I'm super proud and happy to have been able to be part of it. Here's to an even better 2017 :celebration: Drop a message below if you find any bugs or problems with the micro-site. Feedback is always welcome! :ws:
  11. Are the leaks really that much more insane than in the past? Gulftown overclocking capabilities leaked 6 months before launch AnandTech published a "preview" of Sandy Bridge four months before launch Conroe LN2 results leaked 3 months prior to launch Considering the wide availability of KBL (and careless attitudes), I'm surprised there are not more leaks. As for AMD, I think they had to deal with the wildest leak I've seen in a looong time. That's internal briefing type of information. All things considered, I'm sure AMD is pretty happy about all the leaks and speculation. It's in their best interest that people think something interesting is coming and hold off their purchase till then. The same applies to Intel, actually. But bottom line is: NDA = NDA, simple as that.
  12. It was a bugged run, score has been removed/blocked. Still, over 7K is impressive
  13. @Christian: what do you think?
  14. There are a couple of interesting boards coming for Z270 ...
  15. https://hwbotnews.s3.amazonaws.com/Competitions/1733_RogRealbenchChallengeRound4/2016_Realbench_IV_1920x1080.jpg
  16. https://hwbotnews.s3.amazonaws.com/Competitions/1733_RogRealbenchChallengeRound4/2016_Realbench_IV_1920x1080.jpg
  17. Denz made Vince move on to a different benchmark! Legend!
  18. The HWBOT World Championship 2016 is coming up soon! For the occasion we've put up a Core i7 6950X as a give-away among everyone who predict the Champion on 2016. Check out the competition below or visit page directly
  19. Just wanted to quickly share this data I pulled for a friend. It's useful information for everyone!
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