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Everything posted by Massman

  1. CM Seidon 240, 90c load, 0% throttle
  2. Huh, that should be available. Are you using the latest version? (4.1 and up)
  3. I can't believe even this thread got derailed. I'm all in for a bit of comedy at the forums, but it seems to be always the same people who come over here to post nothing but negativity. Moose83, you're allowed to take a month off from the forums. You don't seem to understand that for the most part, your provocative posting style is annoying the people at the forum. You just can't treat people the way you have been doing for a while now and I hope you understand your behavior has crossed a line. Two weeks ago, you were prohibited access to the forums for 24h, in the hope you would get the message and stop your non-sense posting. Evidently you didn't. See you back next month. Rbuass, please take a week's rest. What I said about Moose83 does not apply to you; I am actually more worried than disappointed about your forum behavior the last couple of weeks and months. Whereas you used to be of good spirit, it seems you are spiraling off in the depths of negativity. Over the past six to eight months I have seen you go from positive enthusiastic overclocker to someone who complains even about a competition he wins. I am worried that the enabling of that negativity by other forum members is going to have a re-enforcing effect on you and will make you continue this trend. Please try to see the positive aspects in overclocking. Nothing is perfect, HWBOT is far from perfect, but not everything is always bad and always against you. You are a fantastic overclocker and an incredibly important part of this and Brazil's community. Remember that.
  4. How about full pot?
  5. Who cares about WRs? Enjoy the beer, laugh and ... barbecue? :D
  6. Maybe I didn't explain myself entirely clear. We don't want to control anything directly, but we have the ability to "steer" the flow into certain directions by changing rules and/or focus on different things. For example, a couple years ago we switched from single vga to single gpu focus. This made people focus a lot more on the single GPU than on multi-gpu. HD 4870X2 was the most popular card before HD 5870. In that same way, we can focus more to competitions by increasing the visibility and importance of overclocking results of contests. Or put more focus on events, for example. The idea is to affect the flow in a way it will put more attention to things the community like rather than what marketing wants.
  7. Ddr3-2800 c10-12-12 ?
  8. No solution yet. We know the issue, but not sure how to fix it.
  9. I think this one is already in the buglist. I'll shift it up a priority notch.
  10. Since when has it been broken?
  11. Looking forward to Part 1 as well
  12. Okay, I've closed the previous thread since it was obviously going nowhere. The problem is the following: "How can we, as a community, embrace the increased external funding for our hobby and passion and use it for the benefit of the community?" External funding for overclocking comes in many forms and shapes. The one we know best is the sponsorship with hardware, but getting sponsorship for a group event falls under the external funding as well. I call all this "external" because none of the money involved in overclocking, the leagues or competitions comes from HWBOT. It comes from 3rd party corporations. That means we, HWBOT, do not have much direct influence on the money flow and we can only re-organise the structure of the rankings and competitions to make it flow differently. It is very important to understand that hwbot has no control over the sponsorship and any of the funding attached to overclocking that appears at HWBOT comes mainly through the members of the community. Also important: the money will flow wherever those with benefit and gain think it is most important. So, even if you would make an entirely "sponsorfree" version of hwbot, you would still have vendors trying to get to #1 on the rankings. In the end, no matter where the overclocking community goes, it will be the community that figures out how to deal with the increased external attention and funding for their passion. Let's use this thread to think about the future of overclocking in a world where corporations are willing to spend money on it. We have seen seven (or more) overclocking activities at Computex this year and most of them were actually a lot of fun for the overclockers. We will not tolerate any form of personal attack or bad language in this thread. Unlike usually, this thread will be strictly monitored. Too many bunnies and you get a time-out. First, we should focus on defining what we talk about. What are the types of "external funding"? - hardware support - binning opportunity - paid bills (eg: ln2) - secret oc event - oc competition (eg: moa) - paid transportation to events - sponsor community gathering (eg: AOCM) - ... Where does the community want to see funding flow to? and How can HWBOT help to achieve that? In my opinion, as much funding as possible should flow to events like AOCM and EOS. These are overclocking gatherings where the central focus is having fun and share the hobby. It is not about PR, marketing or world records and actually the events we all have the best time at. The Gigabyte OC Gathering post-Computex was pretty much the same. No records mandatory, just free beer/pizza and ln2 to relax.
  13. Okay, let's close this thread but let's continue this discussion in another thread. This is actually a very important topic for overclocking.
  14. We will continue requesting benchmark support for older platforms to Intel. From my point of view, it makes very little sense to exclude people that want to become part of the XTU community only because they don't have the right hardware. Try to reinstall the XTU application and/or dotnetfx.
  15. Massman


    We did get this email from a guy asking if we paid $$ to people who find and report weak spots in security. Perhaps this guy is trying to "prove" he needs a cash reward because his services are needed?
  16. This question actually goes out to ALL of you . Sponsorship is something that comes from outside HWBOT, not from within. The control we have over the sponsorship is extremely limited and in the end it's the people that receive the sponsored gear that will have to be part of the solution. We have had this kind of thread about a million times now and every time it ends with no conclusion or the simplest of ideas like "HWBOT should solve this NOW".
  17. Yeah, I remember the days this project made 100% loss every month with debt piling up and RB doing everything in his spare time as hobby. Fun times ...
  18. If you have an XTU discussion running on your own forum, let me know and I'll add it to the list here. Germany PC Games Hardware: http://extreme.pcgameshardware.de/benchmarks/279585-intel-xtu-ranking-overclocking-tool-mit-benchmark-funktion.html
  19. People always have advantages and disadvantages. Your advantage is having "easy points" in PCMark, someone else's is getting a graphics card or two to play with. 100% fair is simply impossible. Deal with it. Thread closed. //EDIT: re-opened because apparently we are a dictatorship now. Oh well ...
  20. Massman


  21. Massman


    ... finally. It's been a crazy last three weeks
  22. I'll upload all the BIOSes to the cloud once I figured out how to get my FTP tool to access it
  23. MSI Z87 Reference table "Normal" overclock http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=78035
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