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Everything posted by Massman

  1. Added backgound in the starting post
  2. Background will be attached to this forum post during this day Background: LINK
  3. I'll be paying you guys a visit, good luck!
  4. The scores are ranking as follows: 1) score 2) submission date So, if the score is equal, the score that was submit first is ranked higher.
  5. Strangely enough, this is correct in the translations. Must be a different bug, but I can't locate it. Local time and date indications are used for competitions. Not really a bug.
  6. Sorry, small error. The competition end time was correct, but the stage end time was incorrect. I fixed that now. Sorry for the inconvenience!
  7. The suggested vote is completely biased by the fact that some people don't have one (including myself) and some people have one. Furthermore, people who never bench LN2 have nothing to do with this issue ...
  8. So, in the end, these early ES samples are available to everyone who knows where to find them. They are rare, but can be bought. Golden retail samples are also rare and quite difficult to find them. hm.
  9. It has been used in the past to argument about the local sales. Some products can only be bought in the US or Russia and apparently it's okay to use eBay as argument then. Why not in this discussion?
  10. You can buy it on eBay .
  11. What is the exact line then? 200MHz on average? 200MHz maximum? 100MHz maybe? And what if all people who have a crazy ES just wait from submitting the high-clock scores? Retail = 6GHz, so cut-off = 6.1GHz ... ES can do 6.5GHz, but people just run at 6.1GHz. The best retail compete with an easy clocked ES.
  12. If you use this kind of offensive language, I'm not even interested in your opinion. Voice your opinion in a decent manner or don't do it at all. That being said, what if I didn't buy the graphics card and just had plain luck with one sample? Still fair? Also, what's the difference between someone being able to buy a golden retail or a golden es sample.
  13. It's as unfortunate as one person having a golden R5870 which does 1600MHz.
  14. PhysX doesn't matter in the other benchmarks
  15. Can anyone suggest a good translation for "Overclockers League", "Teams League" and "Country League" using the word "ligue"?
  16. Okay, problem here is that the tabs are not 'texts' but 'labels'. Will add to backlog - Accueil fixed - Records mondiaux fixed (multiple changes) - International / Asia => not yet included in translations file Same tab versus label problem - ranking: not yet internationalised. on to-do list - margué de points fixed - Caractéristiques matériel fixed - most errors change, need ascii for 'É' - change team/password = text vs label - team title should be fixed - Comparison box shortened.
  17. Should be fixed. Trying to get local hwbot running to verify Time would be correct if we add the time of posting. Good catch. I've changed the notation in many other pages, but can't find the right jsp for this one. Good idea! Hm, bug it seems. Added to bug list. American = US region UK english = UK region no difference in language
  18. Fixed. Turns out there was a manufacturer called 'unkown' ... not a translation error.
  19. I think it speaks for itself that the system of the strange scores has to be used ... Most of the "white lines" appear in 8800GTX scores, by the way.
  20. You can make verification links without paying ... it's just limited to 5 scores per benchmark. I'll compile a list.
  21. A Futuremark verification link of all the 'strange' scores.
  22. I moved the posts to a more appropriate thread. For one, 'you ban' is incorrect. I'm just following up on things posted in our staff section. So, no, it's not really that helpful to check in with other moderators and complain about me ... I'd be very happy to unban if I know what's up with all those white lines or stripes.
  23. There are like 5/6 results like this ... and it's not a Rev3 bug ...
  24. stack up way too much hardware for just in case someone passes my scores
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