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Everything posted by Massman

  1. Conservative? I'm maxing out the memory already!
  2. You're comparing apples with pears. Voltage and temperature is totally different for both results. If you find a coldbugfree B1, you should get real close for sure.
  3. 8098 of the 22806 users are not linked to a team.
  4. Hey guys, Had a quick first LN2 session with the Gulftown B1 this evening. Only had about 15L and no experience with this CPU under LN2, so everything had to be done rather quickly. First I installed the GTX275 Lightning on air for some quick 2D benchmarks. Afterwards I decided to pop in the R5870 Lightning for a quick set of 3D benchmarks. Main focus was 3DMark03 to check if the card was damaged or not from last session. Pictures of the setup: FINDINGS AND REMARKS: First of all, it seems that B1 isn't really that much worse than A0 when it comes to clock frequencies around -100°C with 1.8V. The biggest problem with Gulftown is that it seems to scale, just like Clarkdale, with temperatures and that this particular sample has a hard coldbug at -120°C (coldbootbug at -85°C). With a bit of pushing, I guess I can get 6GHz 2D stable some day, but for Vantage this will not be a great sample. Although I will see many people think about not buying this CPU, I have to say the following: even if the B1 is as bad as this one, it's still A LOT better than the current generation of Bloomfield. Getting a Gulftown will improve your scores for sure ... but it does come at a price. I had some problems with the X58A-UD7 as well as it doesn't really seem to be handling the massive load of the Gulftown that well. Sometimes, for no obvious reason, the board decided to shutdown and lock in "88" position. As with the P55 boards, the solution is very simple: turn off power supply, wait a couple of seconds untill the lights of the board are down and power the PSU back on. The system will boot no problem. This same thing happens, by the way, when I load my 5.4GHz boot settings. The Lightning card still does it job quite well although I'm still faced with the same problems: I can do 1425Mhz through GT4 03 (745FPS), but when the card crashes and I have to reboot, I can't get 1350 stable anymore. I will have to try a new bios for the card for sure.
  5. Yesterday, at the HWBOT Belgian staff meeting (), I saw the first glimpes of the same concept in working. It will be back
  6. I was planning on commenting this a week ago, but have been quite busy. Will reply in the future, this is an interesting topic.
  7. More testing with a new 960 on phase change cooling (~-25°C) Not bad!
  8. Shouldn't it be possible to acces VID settings through the I2c bus?
  9. What controller is used for the Vgpu?
  10. Everytime I go to meetings, I meet a lot of overclockers, but sometimes I meet people I consider as the true legends of overclocking. I strange to be in such a niche market segment, but still have people inspire you everytime you bench. I had this pleasure when meeting Hipro5 or Shamino or Macci for the first time ... I think you all know what I mean! On Cebit I met another personal hero: Tony from OCZ! (yes I know I look like crap, but ... I've had to put up with Marc Beier the entire Cebit! ) Please share your pics of e-heroes!
  11. Fyi, Top20 global requires verification links
  12. What is the problem exactly? I can see the golden cup here.
  13. There's a difference between availability and no longer having an NDA on the cards. The first one is much more vague than the latter, hence why we focus on the latter to draw the lines.
  14. Looks like someone is getting worried
  15. I'm sorry, I don't understand what the exact problem is.
  16. Ok, good idea. Fixed it.
  17. Seems like I'm moving up!! (in absolute ranks :-/)
  18. Massman

    hwpoints lost

    It sometimes takes a while for the rankings to update the points standing.
  19. How epic fail is this ... my NF3 board JUST arrived ...
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