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Everything posted by aerotracks

  1. Yep that's what they are
  2. Nice kit bull. I never got to freeze my 2000C6, I may save that for another year or so
  3. Hey guys, Up for sale various water cooling gear: 1) Monsoon 5.25 Bay res 45€ shipped worldwide 2) Ek Supreme HF Full nickel Full metal cooler, very good block. 40€ shipped worldwide 3) EK Supreme HF VGA Acetal VGA uni block, includes mounting plate for Radeon 5770/6770. 30€ shipped worldwide 4) Ek Terminal Triple Parallel + 1x blank Parallel 25€ shipped worldwide 5) 16/13 fittings + tubing around 4m of tubing, (1x 95cm, 1x 80cm, 1x 45cm, 3x 35-40cm, 5x 20-30cm), should me more than enough for a full loop. ]Warenkorb | Aquatuning Germany 40€ shipped worldwide 6) 13/10 fittings 5x 90° angular fitting - chrome with blue insert: - 6€ per 90° 3x 45°angular fitting chrome: 7€ per 45° 3x 6 pack of regular fittings, blue - 25€ / six pack Prices on these don't include shipping, please ask me for a quote. Item location: Germany Payment via IBAN or Paypal. Buyer covers fees.
  4. Thanks a lot guys, back on track I guess
  5. They're yours, payment received, thank you. Sorry Leeghoofd
  6. Still discussing with Samsarulz - if he decides to pass on this, I can do 50€ shipped to Belgium.
  7. Couple notes based on quick glance on my uat profile, first regarding 2D - hwbot prime = new xtu? (for example I get very high points from my more than mediocre 5960X sub http://uat.hwbot.org/submission/3068798_aerotracks_hwbot_prime_core_i7_5960x_9172.44_pps) - Maxxmem read is becoming more important (64.5 points for 5 sec benchmark, more than twice as valuable as some 3d subs I worked pretty hard for http://uat.hwbot.org/submission/3123949_aerotracks_maxxmem_read_bandwidth_ddr3_sdram_34234_mbytesec.) - Sandy Scores seem overvalued across the board, what was 3-5 points previously turned into 20-25 pointers - I think we can all agree that XTU is grossly overvalued right now, but with new revision don't even bother installing it on your bench os, waste of time 3D: Previously valuable subs with GTX 580, HD 5870, GTX 480 have been degraded to rubble. Just one example GTX 480 3d05 rank 17/413 results in 11.3 points (http://uat.hwbot.org/submission/3190281_aerotracks_3dmark05_geforce_gtx_480_62331_marks) Seems like the first guy with a golden Skylake on LN2 will make everyone else's subs with that particular graphics card worthless, that's not great for folks from different leagues / without LN2.
  8. Awesome, I'm in, see you guys in Fairview! - # of attendees- Bringing anyone with you or coming solo? Just me - Will you need a room? No - Hardware you hope/plan/expect to bring for benching- The more information you can provide before the event will allow for better advanced table assignment planning. 6700k/6320/maybe 4790k; Impact; DDR4/DDR3; CPU pot; will probably pick up some graphics card just before (gtx 1080? on air) - Any equipment you can bring to loan or will need to borrow PSU/screen/peripherals is what I don't want to fly over from Germany, I may need some help on that. - direct link to your hwbot.org profile page (if available) http://hwbot.org/user/aerotracks/
  9. Yup, it goes both ways - better bin a set for every benchmark
  10. Mühsam ernährt sich das Eichhörnchen:D
  11. up
  12. I opened the GTS, yes it has Samsungs on there
  13. MSI card has Hynix, no idea which memory is on ASUS.
  14. Up for sale are two graphics card from 8800 family, both are in good condition and they are good clockers. Check my subs for more details. MSI Card is a GT 512, Asus model is GTS 512. GT 512: 25 Euro shipped worldwide GTS 512: 30 Euro shipped worldwide. //edit: shipping is more expensive on that card because of heavy cooler Item location: Germany. Worldwide tracked shipping with Deutsche Post. Private sale, no returns, no warranty. Payment via IBAN or Paypal, buyer either covers fees or sends via friends&family. __________________
  15. Congrats , bet it feels good to move on to other stuff that doesn't involve a spinning XTU wheel
  16. Thanks man, probably the worst 3570k on this planet:p
  17. How about this one, 328€ with free shipping http://shop.jacob-computer.de/Mainboards/Intel-Sockel-1151/ASRock-Z170M-OC-Z170M-OC-FORMULA-artnr-2889181.html?gclid=CODL9uWUncwCFSsq0wodXdgCYg
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