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Everything posted by ozzie

  1. cool man happy to help . hope it does the job nicely for you
  2. amazing dave, comes up with something better everytime ??
  3. gigz, have you been buying up again ?
  4. still cant see profiles on many and mine it doesnt reveal past subs either thats all you get under the profile, some you get the whole profile others you get half and it stops at thats it youre at the end , no subs or links to click to view , i guess its something to do with programing or coding............... can someone have a look at it please That's it! You're at the end.
  5. yeah and whatever cpuz reads the bios is usually about 500 mhz more
  6. youre using nearly 1.5v in the screenshot you just posted lol
  7. ah righto man , cheers
  8. not what he posted in the original op , have you seen different b4 suzuki ?
  9. and what if it coldbugs and hates LN2 ??
  10. i would talk to either bartx or nachtflake in here, theyre right into SS and Cascade stuff, they build them
  11. nice unit man, ill reitterate what scotty said
  12. the future of bot is up to bot itself really , if its handled like it has been handled in the past then theres going to be issues with it like there is now, if its handled well and they put their heads together and say right , whats priority that needs fixing and go down the list and get them fixed then bot will survive and will all be well, i certainly hope the take the latter road !!!
  13. itd be great when you see a sub go in you can actually go look at it with out any issues along with many other things but we cant at this stage, dunno how long its gunna take to fix properly but its a PITA the way it is
  14. thx shrimpy.....well if bot had of adapted what ive proposed now for about 4 yrs and every person that submits here pays $10 membership per yr with NO say in the running of bot at all, then they have the money there to pay some sort of wage to the mods and to be able to employ a coder, programmer and what ever and whomever else they need to fix all the bugs and shit in this site, and keep it fixed for a smooth run for everyone but no its fallen on deaf ears for yrs and look where it is now, when a boat has holes in its hull its ony a matter of time before it fills and is ready to sink
  15. how many forum members does hwbot have alby, do you have any idea at all ?
  16. same problem here longer than 3 days
  17. ozzie

    kingston hypers

    interested in an adaptor tagg please
  18. yeah right , like the board that does big fsb that you cant find too eh lol
  19. why yosar so you can bench all your cards ?
  20. this might be helpful to you too, good you got it sorted https://www.guru3d.com/files-details/clocktuner-for-ryzen-download.html
  21. possibly the sensor on the board isnt reading correctly , id be believing the ryzen tool b4 hwinfo, what does cpuz read ??
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