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Everything posted by ozzie

  1. ozzie

    790 boards

    thanks for the offer mate, but no thx, im covered in the ddr3 boards
  2. ozzie

    790 boards

    bumpty bump
  3. here in australia they consistenly go for $250+, a year ago you couldnt buy one for under $300,
  4. look it was a type error, it wasnt picked up till i mentioned it 2 days prior to ending when i saw it , get over it, or dont you princesses make errors
  5. is it normal solder or silver solder ? mate id desolder it all and start from scratch, get the holes right then resolder it all again, silver solder is best do it properly , itll pay off in the long run ?
  6. well you got nothin to lose, then youll be able to get the pot drilled out properly to work more efficiently as intended , remember tho, a too slow drill or too fast a drill, and if it grabs it can snap a drill bit like a carrot, a nice slow even pressure and a medium speed is all thats needed for copper and with drill lubricant for the heat produced, and make sure the bit is sharp, blunt bits grab easier coz usually more pressure is applied to do the cut
  7. https://www.practicalmachinist.com/vb/general/broken-tap-copper-aluminum-259158/ You can eat out the taps in the copper with some Alum. Mix enough Alum with water to have a almost saturated solution. Put your part in, and let soak. If you can warm the solution, it will speed up the process. It might take a day or so for it to eat out the tap. This is a trick used by the old time watchmakers. You can probably find it at a medical supply house, or order off the net. The Alum will eat the steel taps, and leave the copper alone. i was just looking around when i found these sites, i have never tried this myself , up to you if you choose to do it, broken taps and drill bits are a pain in the arse to get out, i was seriously suprised and impressed how easy this method is
  8. yes subaru, its a damn eyeopener thats for sure, so far advanced its unreal ?
  9. 1 of the main reasons why alby had the dummy spit, this yosarianilives dope never stops whinging about something, he got pulled up big time in the teams cup for him and another guy on the same hardware, same room , same everything then tried to defend it, then he comes up on albys thread and says sorry he may have been the cause of albys spit, lol, always wants to challenge everything, just get on with it mate, and if you wanna bench then bench whats given, or better still, shut up and watch
  10. is this correct , the AMD legacy section finishes a day later than all the other sections in this challenger comp ??, coz thats what i see of it
  11. honestly, with a body like that , who could refuse it ........ zero when hes at his best , took a lot of work too
  12. after all the bullshit thats been happening, do you actually blame them , i dont
  13. .
  14. throwing effort over foolishness ..sigh ?
  15. you were told to pull back and stop posting to people for no reason but your own , i suggest you heed it
  16. im sure alby knows exactly whats going on , with himself and here. the say has been said both good........ and bad from some, how about we drop it , theres no more need to be said and allow alby to have the peace he deserves i call for the thread to be closed please !!!!
  17. i apologise for the derail , old feelings die hard , especially when somone comes in and talks lies and shit, say he doesnt know who you are, lol, never met you , sure may well not have, he damn well knows who you are here tho, ive seen his posts to you over the years, i allowed myself to get caught up in it, :, anyway sorry , i apologise .
  18. now back to ALBYS thread , for which he deserves greatly !!!!!
  19. alby, michael, george, fred , other mods, whoever, puts up the discussion threads or comps for whatever comp, which i think is unneccessary, what ever is decided for the comp should be it, if you dont like it then simple, just dont bench it, too much time, effort is wasted replying to whingers on here wanting things their own way all the time, when that time could be spend doing what they do best, designing, modding, and admining the site they are FREE time strapped at the best of times then have to answer to all the whingers that complain , this or that, but in spite of it all they do a FANTASTIC job of what and how they do it ill bet my left nut no one puts their hand up for the job if alby or any one of them decide its a day and quit and wouldnt blame them 1 bit if they did, great job guys ?
  20. i for 1 are quite happy how you design, mod, admin in here, too many fucking whingers is th problem
  21. it is allen, but hes still using the old kerosine type, gets down to + 15c .....on a good day
  22. how bout we all stop the no its dead and yes it isnt stuff, and just get on with it, if we dont itll never go forward i bought quite a bit of hardware for this years teams cup which ive competed in every year since i started, amongst other comps, 4-5 yrs now, and couldnt as the 31st july this year, i had both knees replaced which did me in for this year, (try it and see how good you fare with it ), but im coming back on track again after 3 mths recovery so ill be back into it shortly, and im 63 , so if i can do it why cant you blokes ???
  23. bullants just dont bite, their sting is much worse, and does multiple stings , doesnt die either after the sting, they pull it out then sting again lol
  24. hes a whinger mate, forget it, waste of time, doesnt the name give you a hint ???
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