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Everything posted by ozzie

  1. no its not unity, its a suggestion for a background for the teams cup for this year, not a country cup lol, it was for all the countries that will be in it, you blokes dont have to bother , you only do country cup, yas aint good enough for the teams cup comp ?
  2. how bout this as suggestion as a wallpaper background, it represents all the countries that will compete, "i think", you blokes can put what ever else needed on it as you see fit, i dont know how to do that stuff, or this even for something a little different from the past backgrounds weve had over the years
  3. well alby theres a lot of wierd bugs down here in down under, thats a given, its tehe nature of our land ? but this bug surely doesnt come from here
  4. i got this on my wall at least 1/2 hour before the competiton even finished, i looked at the clock and it was begore 9-30 pm here in australia and the comp was ending at 10 pm ????? lol, anyone could have subbed in that last 1/2 hour of the comp and taken my place an explanation please , or is it the time difference screwing things up ??? You were 4th in a competition: Challenger 2019 Division VII round 2 Intel / nVIDIA legacy You gained a new achievement: contribute 2000 points to your team You gained a new achievement: contribute 1000 points to your team
  5. had a feeling youd get more than from the first go bully ?, nice mate !!
  6. do you think i care what you say ?, the answer is no !!!!!!! but the question is this you seem to know a lot about him with 11 posts , when you say this ???? if Hwbot staff wanted to deal with this retard reporting old submissions they would have banned him a long time ago. and for limited bot poss "on this account" cmon , spill it , i think you already have lol
  7. wanna thank all the mods, tireless unpaid efforts to keep it altogether for us , competing or not boys in the comp for another fun run , thx , id suggest we all had some troubles in it somewhere to try do better but was good fun, if you dont try nothing happens, team cup now , i have a feeling it will be a beaut as well ? cheers ozz
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  8. ^^^^^ mate get over it, move on, same decision applies if you or anyone misses a cpu tab, which is a common occurrence here, we all do it at times if all else fails read the destructions first, when you dont they bite hard !!!!
  9. mate you gotta do what we all do, takes hours yes, days, , whatever, , its not an easy benchmark. im still trying, my trick is this , try something else. if that dont work then try something else, different ram, different gpu settings all make a difference, its what you find at that time that works nicely together is what ive found
  10. ? pmsl, is that all you blokes have to do is worry about and chase this dicklips ? seriously, i thought you guys were better than that, how bout you do some benching instead ??, instead of yapping on with crap that should just be ignored ?? bot will deal with it, not you blokes
  11. so this just puts my argument forward again, which ive said many times for quite a few years $10 a year membership, controlled by bot, no say what so ever from members, it will allow bot to develop, test new benchmarks, and be able to pay these non stop mods something for their hard earned time that theyve done here for years on end and are still doing it for the love of overclocking, tell me , whos gunna argue with $ 10 per head per year to keep it all running and get better and better for all , ????? thats my take on it, bout time it got happening !!!!
  12. tried a w7 full reinstall ?
  13. if i was on ddr4 i would have no hesitiations to buy that ram, 1st reason is michael does not do a review on something thats not gunna stand up and perform, 2nd is ive always been a team extreem fan in all platforms prior to the new series from team, ( they all just perform well and above ) ?
  14. lol ,mute point, there is no difference between unfair cheating and actual cheating , ( still cheating whatever way its looked at ) same damn thing, nothing to do with newer hardware, youd expect newer hardware to beat the older anyway hardware, so another mute point, anyway im not gunna go back and forth with it, you have your opinion on it , i have mine, that fact is when cheats get found out the subs get booted and they get booted, best scaenario is ... well leave it at that ☺️!!!
  15. tell me what "unfair cheating" is , cheating is cheating in any shape or form no matter what is involved
  16. nicely said and done michael, whatever platform the team xtreem series is used in its always going to be a real competitior, and i have no doubts the ddr4 series of xtreem will be wearing the same shoes as previous platforms ☺️
  17. thats quite easy to fix mr genius, you just grind or file the tip of the screwdriver down so its thicker to fit the slot perfectly, no slip at all, ive nevr had a problem with it, unless ive had a few beers then all hell breaks lose ? but thats my fault !!
  18. whats wrong with a small screw driver , nothing, does the same job, nice, but dont need all this fancy stuff for a trimmer imo, i do like the 2nd pic though where the knurled knob is extended , could be used withthe fingers, not sure how long it is though, think ill be sticking to the original tried and tested, mine are set up the same way a tap is turned on and off , here anyway, anticlockwise for on and clockwise for shut off
  19. ozzie

    [FS] sold out

    snap it up unity, hes had these for sale a while now, like last sept, you wont buy better i dont think, if i had the doe id have had em ages ago but im not ready to extreme yet
  20. even though i havent got ddr4, the 7740x would be my pick if i did, seen so may great clocks from them, i but all in all, its the silicone lottery again , unless youre "sponsored"
  21. mate i do chilled water, the best ive ever got is -4c, doesnt last long tho, especially with ambients in the 20c and 30+c in summer with aa intensive benchark thats highly cpu related, soon heats it up, even tho i run ice in my system, soon melts it, then there the condensation problem that comes with it, cpu, socket has to be insulated nice to keep the ambient out to stop that condensation happening if it was me and youre giving away chilled id go for a loop over AIO or a beefy air cooler, in a case, air flow is very important, (exhausting hot air everything produces ) , out of case its still important but you have more options quickly to add more fan cooling
  22. well done to all, dont worry about it george, you did your best mate, hard job to do thats for sure, up and onwards i say, you did a damn good job ☺️ and for macsbeach, hes aussie, a champion bloke, hes tenacious and never gives up, and my friend and my mentor ?
  23. oh marco, stop it, youre making me blush with anticipation ?
  24. thats a pretty silly statement, proves my original point, .... and fyi, 2 houses ☺️
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