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Everything posted by ozzie

  1. it was the last hobby i thought id ever get into, about 4 - 5 years ago i got into overclocking, prior to that my computer skill and knowledge were very very limited, then i met macsbeach98 who lives about 15 mins from me, we became friends and is my mentor and in my opinion one of the best overclockers and card modders ive seen, his subs both in bot and comps over the years and (card mods, and being an ex tv tech he knows schematics, diagrams and what to look for, i have no idea, to complicated for me) attest to that, it got me hooked, going to his place learning and helping him with his dice at that stage then he went to LN2, and i learnt that from him too,(what not to do ), i was on water for a while then built my chilled water sytem which is still in use today from 150mm pvc pipe x 450mm high, hold about 6 litres of ice and ice water and performs pretty well, i couldnt afford to buy much new hardware so i picked up chucked out computers off the street, ratted them for cpus, ram, card, boards, fans then took the empty cases to the tip, saw there was a bin full of computers where people could chuck them for free for scrap, that appauled me so i swapped the empty for the full cases, id pick up and old washing machine to give me the extra weight for the weigh bridge at the tip so i wount be heavier going out than in ?, id rat them then do the same again the next week for quite a while, but had to time the day right when the right guys were on duty lol, (lunch time is the right time, all theyre interested in is eating lol ) i saved up money then bought new and used boards, cus, ram, cards etc, to where i am with it now, i dont go to the tip anymore as i have so much stuff now i dont know what to do with it and dont need to get more altho i always think ill miss out on that golden hardware that you sometimes get, new or used so no, overclocking is far from dead or dying IMO,
  2. ok alby thx, just wanted to bring it to attention thats all
  3. from oc esports alby or am i reading this wrong ? Welcome to the Road to Pro Challenger Divisions 2019 - In this series you can compete with overclockers from around the globe who use the same hardware. This season features three two-month rounds each with four different stages. Good luck! Accumulate the most points in the different stages of the season rounds and become the Division Champion. In Challenger Division I round 1 the processor choice is limited to Core i7 series (non-HEDT). The graphics card choice is limited to single GPU graphics cards (excl Titan). You can find more information about restrictions on the competition stage pages.
  4. im seeing this when i go to AMD legacy OC esports page , lol really ?? https://oc-esports.io/#!/round/Challenger 2019 Division VI round 3 i7 is intel as far as i know
  5. never known of a bullant not to inflict pain and hurt when they bite ?
  6. ozzie

    790 boards

    bump bump
  7. ? impossible from the "valid cpuz link" lol and the link says fx 8350 not a i9 10980XE, .. cpuz have some answering to answer why it was even validated with versions b4 lol Total Size 2048 MB Type Single Channel (64 bit) DDR3-SDRAM Frequency 945.6 MHz (DDR3-1892) - Ratio 3:10 Timings 9-12-9-28-46 (tCAS-tRC-tRP-tRAS-tCS) Slot #1 Module G.Skill 2048 MB (DDR3-1337)
  8. i think the dogpile is just as its name suggests, not needed in both comps !!!
  9. easily 30c mate there, i know how hard it is in those conditions, you still do very well with it tho, most of these blokes havent got to deal with our weather (but would soon learn quick how too) (the heat and condensation issues were faced with ) , lol friday was 30c and humid and storms , next day 17 - 20c cold and raining
  10. bullshit, im not trying to force anyone to do anything, ill go -0 when i want to, when i find what i want not what others want, all i did was make a statement about trying to getting a phase change unit built here, its the " others" that have made a mountain out of a mole hill and youd be better off making sure you have the right cpuz tabs in your subs b4 you post up, you already have a dodgy history of competing, thats been proven , talked about and showed, so mind your manners .....young pup laugh all you want dopey....the truth hurts at times
  11. listen mate, i dont need your crap, youve done nothing but have a go at me from get go about this and thinking i havent tried to get this built and put in effort to do so, you seem to be the one whos trying to cut legs off, not me, come down here and you have a go and try and find someone, youll be sorely disappointed, i can go to dice or ln2 easily , but i wanted a portable on wheels plug in system and sooner or late ill get it its easy to see where and why aussies have the saying a (typical whinging pom) end of story
  12. when i do something mate i do it right the first time, i want a proper unit and im not interested just to have a go and see if i can learn this or that to "TRY" make one, i made my own water system for ice, and its served me well if you bother to have a look ive rung many repair shops here and in sydney and they just dont want to know about it and ive pulled air con guys up on the road and asked them and they said the same thing then they say , sorry mate gotta go, a job is waiting
  13. ive rung many mate, and in sydney, theyve all said they dont know anything about it, or not interested to know anything about it probably more like, if i undesrtood more about them and how they work id built the bloody thing myself
  14. lol, youre in the uk mate, down here ive been looking for 5 yrs for a ss, cascade, like hens teeth, and no one here makes them either , get hold of one in europe and the postage is 1000$, ive seen quite a few on here for sale , the postage kills it, and if something goes wrong with it and needs replacing theres no one here that knows anything about them to do it, so its a lose lose situation, can get dice tho, and thats an hour round trip too if i went that way
  15. congrats to all you blokes in the team cup, well done to the winners , a special mention for 1 guy in particular, he just never gives in, and never boasts about it , he just does it, hes a machine in these comps ,he knows who he is ?
  16. very nice rods, well done, seems this little board is saying, yes ive got a bit more in me yet
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