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Everything posted by JunkDogg

  1. The hardware tab for 300 series AMD Radeon cards doesn't bring up anything. No list at all.
  2. Nearly as funny as your "Pretest not protest" comment. Considering the ones protesting are the ones not allowed to use their boards to pretest.
  3. I've got a SOC FORCE. Which even though I can buy here in AUS is banned because of availability apparently. I've already binned a few sets, nothing exceptional though out of them yet. Goldhand Dad these days isn't it.
  4. Easy not to b(i)tch when your board hasn't been banned for a silly reason though.
  5. The whole point is that every board is not available everywhere. I highly doubt there is one high end OC board that is available worldwide yet. So why ban some and not others? It's just reducing the amount of people who can compete. Just ban Skylake and be done with it. Be the easiest way to fix this sort of rubbish.
  6. So who's fault is it? I can physically walk into a store here in Australia and buy a SOC Force so why is it banned from the competition? Not much of a paper launch when they are sitting on shelves is it? So by restricting people from entering who have hardware from the comp it can't be anyone but HyperX fault can it?
  7. That's fantastic. HyperX Fail. oh and btw, you can't buy OCF here in AU either so ban it as well. :rollseyes:.
  8. It's available elsewhere. http://www.staticice.com.au/cgi-bin/search.cgi?q=Z170+SOC+FORCE&spos=3 But hey, let's not allow another board and make this comp even harder to enter. Great thinking.
  9. 5000/4800 - 1.43V boot to Win7. 5000/5000 - 1.48V boot to win7. Have tested up to 1.54V 5Ghz/5Ghz to try and get Cine 11.5 stable and no luck yet. Haven't touched any other volts to try for stability either though. Still learning.
  10. Well that makes a bit more sense. Ye be warned, this will piss a lot of people off. Especially teams who drop.
  11. Is it the ranking that's fked? Or just some teams participation and the way they go engaging their team members. You don't have to change team rankings, if someone doesn't like thier team and it's participation go find other members that are the same and create a team or join a team that is more focused on team events. I honestly do not believe a team with 20 people who bench the latest and greatest all the time are better than a team that can bench everything(new and old) consistently. Anyway, I'll wait until and example is shown. I have a gut feeling this is going to really mess up the team rankings, which in turn will have a worse effect than what you are trying to do here. *This is not directed at you Rom, to HWBOT in general mate*
  12. Why fuck with something that isn't broken?
  13. Well done to all teams in the Cup. This was a great comp with some really challenging and frustrating stages. Some incredible results have been posted by all and it has most certainly got my blood pumping to go back to things like Phenom's and chase down some of the better times. Once again well done everyone.
  14. That NB makes me sick. Awesome run mate, well deserved.
  15. Dthe threads from the team captains sub forum are showing up in thr latest posts thing on the right that non members of the sub group can see. Hope this helps.
  16. Yeah it was doing that and I was clicking the join/participate button. Nothing was happening though. Just another thing broken I guess.
  17. Thanks mate, appreciate it. I would of never figured it out. Be nice if it actually told you where you were going wrong, instead of incomplete as the only error. Can't expect too much though out of that terrible platform.
  18. How can OC eSports be so bad? Everytime I try to use this piece of shit, there are issues with it. I have tried 30 odd times now to submit for the DDR4 CL10 stage and have had a screenshot, verification link and rig pics. Yet my submission is still incomplete. So I've submitted my score through HWBOT and clicked on the join competition button for that comp and it still doesn't join. http://hwbot.org/submission/2987443_
  19. Although I didn't get to compete, I really liked the setup of this comp. It was and is a fantastic idea. Maybe for next season try re-using some of the obscure hardware again? For example, my 6600GT's only turned up after the stage finished. :lol: I still haven't used them.
  20. Thanks mate. Need to keep a log of tweaks for using OC Esports now. hahahha.
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