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Everything posted by 5erveD

  1. Submitting is a dirty job, but someone gotta do it! ;-)
  2. I allways thought it was a LD Make 1. Got the same ss ;-) Yes, the sensor is on the Head. But you can Double check by putting an extra sensor between te socket and cpu. Slightly touching the cpu on the side. Verstuurd vanaf mijn MotoG3 met Tapatalk
  3. It is a LD make 1 ? Loss of gas perheps. Did you test with a sensor on the cpu ?
  4. 34. Guess I am a little late with the overclocking stuff. Started ln2 about lill more then a year ago. Started oc when the I7 lynnfield was introduced, say 2010/2011 Didn't know what I was doing for a long time
  5. 5erveD

    4790k 5 ghz

    Got one. Thanks for the space.
  6. 5erveD

    4790k 5 ghz

    Your right Willem.
  7. 5erveD

    4790k 5 ghz

    Looking for one. willing to pay € 280,- pm your offer pls 5 ghz @ 1,4 on aio. Not for me but for someone i know
  8. Ok. Do you still got the old board ? Or is it a gonner ?
  9. Hmmmm. I Hope not. The M8E is still fully functional. It is just that your story sounded so familiar ;-) It only happends when we are having high humidity days here in the Netherlands. Had a good session a few days later when it was bit better. I pulled the gum of the board the other day, which was there on for quite some time now. A total pain in the a$$ to get it off. All seems ok. I am having it running on air for now. Will get the contact cleaner en give it a go. For sure need more towels and stuff wrapped around the sweet spots. I pulled a house fan from another room and pointed that at the board from a moderate distance. Helped a bit with the humidity. Deff need to take a look at a dehumidifier. Edit; not completly stuck at 55. It wil run eventually but sometimes it is better to abort to life another day imo.
  10. I wil bear that in mind and thanks for the information.
  11. Cheers. So, only the blue stuff ? For the "short" sessions. Short as in terms of 2/3 hours, 4 tops ? And it isn't giving any problems ? Never tried LET before. Mostly the eraser. But am willing to give other isolation a go. Was looking at dragon skin. Stuff they use as a foundation for make up in movies and theater. The eraser can be a very time consuming job tho. Gets me fed up sometimes. Took me whole night to get the eraser off last time. I'll keep a look out on the dehumidifier.
  12. I am having the same problems. Running smooth for an hour or so and then the mem kicks in. The only way to free up the board is by putting the mem on default. Or putting the whole board back to default. I am aware that a part of the problem is humidity. BUt I am not working with vas but with kneeable eraser. I saw some reactions about putting some contact cleaner in thet socket and mem. Did it gave you the expected results ? Am I just gonna spray that thing with contact cleaner ? Thanks in advance.
  13. Do we have to submit then again or is it still floating around? So after the second fix it would all be allrite ;-)
  14. Cheers. Will give it Look when Home ;-) Verstuurd vanaf mijn MotoG3 met Tapatalk
  15. Thanks guys Verstuurd vanaf mijn MotoG3 met Tapatalk
  16. Ok. I need it for a msi gtx 580 twin frozer III Power edition. Looks like the Lightning extreme but with 1.5 gb. It would be much appreciated. Verstuurd vanaf mijn MotoG3 met Tapatalk
  17. I have send an pm to pepinorang for abx. But unfortunatly I am not getting a response. How to obtain ABX ?
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