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noizemaker last won the day on August 12 2023

noizemaker had the most liked content!



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  1. It’s unfortunate that no modern CSS frameworks have been implemented here. Using something like Tailwind CSS or Bootstrap could make the site fully responsive without adding much extra work. For fonts, I’d suggest something like "Inter," which is a variable font and thus easily adaptable. There are plenty of UI/UX designers who could handle the prototyping for a reasonable price, ensuring thoughtful positioning and presentation. Often, developers aren’t designers and vice versa, so collaborating with specialists can make a big difference. I’d recommend restoring the familiar, original design as a foundation, then gradually expanding in the UAT phase with community feedback. Additionally, I noticed no posts on the homepage announcing that help was needed, which could have been communicated more effectively. regards
  2. Hi, can I ask is there something specific with Core i3 LN2 overclocking? I had to CPU`s and both can not bench below -50 C. They are fine when in idle, the board restart to -150 C (Z790 Apex), but both crashed when start loading with benchmark, even when just start Benchmate.


    Thanks in advance. Best regards.

  3. great resume for the hall of fame, awesome
  4. plain and simple html scraping works ? the api is broken/death in my scraper i just traverse one html with ~5kb once a day, so less then a regular pageload, keep that in mind we dont want to hurt the bot. would suggest to just scrape the teampage to keep the "load" close as possible, every information should be there. https://hwbot.org/team/extremehw/
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