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Everything posted by noizemaker

  1. ROG-MAXIMUS-Z690-APEX-ASUS-0072.rar
  2. --- For Ambient behavior and DDR5 Voltage Basics there is already a perfect guide by Falkentyne in the ASUS ROG forum -> LINK -- - BCLK Buttons On the new Apex there are BCLK +/- Buttons For the onboard bclk buttons you will need to manually enable them in bios/tweakers paradise - Measurement Points - LN2 CBB -150c to none CB mostly none (no rsvd switch needed) No need to specifically set pll term or cpu standy (don’t seem to help cbb) The cpus must have some kind of pll bug when cold whereby they can all of a sudden keep upping frequency limitlessly, like the pll is capped at a certain freq: To avoid this pls use FLL OC Mode normal! Bear in mind limitations of fivr rail, 1.6v~ before they trip. Set vccin to 2.0v or so for enough input voltage to feed high fivr output rails. Disable all CEP for best perf As starting point set the LN2 Jumper on Mainboard, cool down to -100C Basic LN2 Settings are: Ratio 55 Cache 40 Vcore: 1.65 - 1.75+ CPU Input Voltage: 2.0 Core PLL Voltage 1.00500 Ring PLL Voltage: 1.00500 PLL Termination Voltage: 1.300 CPU Standby Voltage: 1.300 CPU Input Voltage Reset Voltage: 1.8 -- BIOS FLASHBACK PORT Red marked is the BIOS FLASHBACK PORT, Rename your File to MZ690A.CAP before flashing. -- Tools - Worktool ADL 1106 https://www.dropbox.com/s/bvs9qltshctnpct/OCTool_ADL1106.zip?dl=0 - TurboV Core 1.10.19 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ANYEEvk_785Nn7Sa4Y9dE5KYcBWFVQsW/view?usp=sharing - MemTweakIt https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rj4Qi2Aas-oG95adOdD1NngYSFvDNzLB/view?usp=sharing - ROG True Voltician 0902 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nOL9uBRM8Lu64SVZv85qiGAylOrnRQ2R/view?usp=sharing -- Legacy Tools - WinXP Ratio Tool https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tBq4ezPSiXS7rkddwjc6-7A8kg6KG_5m/view?usp=sharing - 590 ACPI Files (work on Z690) (credits go out to OGS) https://www.dropbox.com/s/ixh046p92cc8pwf/winxp_acpi.zip?dl=0 -- BIOS 0096 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wo3Vg1EMY3Q_o1iV7QDMYg_UapxTrZ7n/view?usp=sharing 0702 https://www.dropbox.com/s/rf7kdc3pilpyrk8/ROG-MAXIMUS-Z690-APEX-ASUS-0702.rar?dl=0
  3. exactly its the dimm.2 slot extension for m2 nvme/ssd drives.
  4. hot vs cold mobo is like "wtf is going on" great result :D
  5. awesome result with that tiny miny board.. i like the warm up station for the ice cube :D
  6. all the intel devils show up 6666 great result ?
  7. show em how its done, great result
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