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Everything posted by TerraRaptor

  1. I saw somewhere that dual-pcb dual-gpu is not a subject. So any duql-gpu should be fine (dual-pcb requirement was skipped)
  2. Everyone can overclock these (having some pre-requisites). You should use board with external clock generator (plenty of these in the market - b660/z690/b760/z790 - mid-tier board with <200$ price tag are also available especially if you go buy used thing) and older bios that allows overclocking non-k skus (or you can make one modded yourself - main thing is older ucode for alder lake cpus that you need to inject into bios). Forum threads for both pre-requisites are public. Hwbot is about overclocking and we do overclocking. Competitive overclocking btw. So stop complaining and pay some effort.
  3. I have it, pm me on discord in the evening in case you don't get it earlier
  4. Like forcing 512mbit instead of 1gbit per ic. It was either you or Gigelz to do it for ddr2 if i'm not mistaken:)
  5. maxmem, spd edits didn't help either?
  6. P45 to become WR holder in the end
  7. usually xeon parts are not allowed for compos unless specifically stated
  8. No good way to sell big collection imho. And I don't really think hwbot will be a good place for that. CPUworld forums, ebay etc are better option to sell big lot with just some rare and valuable (by oc community) things - I saw many great colelctions to sell too long in here (like TaPaKaH, poparamiro, Obijuan83 etc). PS. Probably better option (if money is not a reason) is to lend your collection to some younger soul you know with "return on first request" option. Let someone else store it for free:)
  9. Legacy xfire is pretty big fail with 1700 it seems.
  10. Funnily, we have very similar dewars. I own Soviet CK-25 too.
  11. try submitting from the competition stage - there is submission button in every stage
  12. It is likely voltage sense rather than current sense. May also be bios issue (and then it is GPIO tied to voltage rail with divider?) - when i was binning vbioses for some cards, some bioses had this issue)
  13. Those are digital vcore controls (reset, ±10mV/50mV), Oleg was able to add some volts after POST (I guess with 1.8v limit).
  14. Great score, will definitely lend this board from you later this year. Timur did a great job modding that Asrock (as always).
  15. Was fixing an issue with 1366 for sure (wrong bus/ratio when pushing bclk). Should work here too.
  16. Even with /usepmtimer key in boot.ini?
  17. Nice score bro. Thought my #1 would stand longer ahaha.
  18. It is PCI=0 in cpuz.ini - otherwise newer version will freeze at startup (with pci=0 it works but chipset/ram settings are not available).
  19. Liked c2f way more than giga 790x (getting better clocks with same CPU). Sadly damaged it during this session (water got under NB - now wait for replacement 780a bga chip which is happily available from local supplier).
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