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Everything posted by TerraRaptor

  1. Antinomy, I have over 200 s478 cpus now - I have bought samendk's collection as well. The ones near SS are just 26pcs of Cel 1,7ghz willamatte.
  2. not coppermine wr yet - http://hwbot.org/submission/908913_gradus_cpu_frequency_pentium_3_celeron_900mhz_2047.53_mhz Nice result anyway!
  3. Well, Ximi, I have a lot of bugged runs - but I do always check MY results with the results of OTHERS to see if my results are normal - i.e. I can miss black screen with G71 in Nature/03 or get water bug in Vantage on 5870 - but if my results differ to others for more than 5% clock2clock I always rebench and invistigate the matter - I beleive noone knows >5% improvement tweaks that are not common to others. So check your results carefully as there are no magic tricks that can gain xx% improvement over others for all of us.
  4. I will have a good chance later to bench it with proper timings. I know tRAS is really low and hits performance a bit but efficiency is not a core task for me now - I just study my A7N8X-E at this stage. I'll post a 2-2-2-1 result one day especially for you, my dear friend)
  5. nice to see you benching again!
  6. you mean low tRAS? It was pretest only and validation of all mods are working. Most probably L2 cache was accidentaly switched off as SS evaporator was installed with no isolation to evaporator itself.
  7. funny thing here the cpu is detected like Duron applebred - i think it is due to the lack of isolation to cpu and moisture on bridges. The cpu is axda2600dkv3d
  8. i had no problems with 3870x2 and MVG.
  9. so what is a bypass limit? Do you use a normal AB or you use ABX?
  10. In my opinion there is sense to look for 3770/3930 only if you have a stable and affordable access to LN2. <5% difference doesn't make sense assuming the launch of Haswell in next 3-4 months.
  11. games are too easy to cheat/hack. And popularity of games will lead to hundreds of cheaters here.
  12. How did he do that? 2 WRs in less than 24h! Amazing! Dullness power!
  13. It scales with this voltage. Problems with stability begin with voltage higher than >2.1v. I need better memory to outperform this result and hope to get it by the end of Feb.
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