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Noxinite last won the day on July 7 2023

Noxinite had the most liked content!

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    United Kingdom

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  1. A little bit of per IC binning & PCB swapping done so far (but not enough). Did a quick test of KO PCB with the LN2 board. For some reason changing bclock from 100 caused POST to fail even at stock, and 2933 strap didn't want to load so not sure if this board hates non-oem g-die, or not. So only Asus boards confirmed to work with 1T, high freq & KO PCB. REFI doesn't want to move from 10k either, despite being set to 30k. Something is whack with my board...
  2. Delete please, duplicated due to the site lagging: https://hwbot.org/submission/5520794_
  3. ^^ Yeah, a Team Season Ranking based on TPP and GPP might be interesting. We have it for users after all.
  4. Pls delete. https://hwbot.org/submission/5380373_
  5. Please delete: https://hwbot.org/submission/5373736_ https://hwbot.org/submission/5379506_
  6. The effective clocks look like what I booted at.
  7. That's quite lot of HWpts for such a low number of subs.
  8. Brb gotta break out the L3014 and see what efficiency is like.
  9. Nah, but more volts mods solve everything right? *Rolls eyes*
  10. Ah sorry, there has been a misunderstanding! I meant if you look at the other submissions with this specific motherboard you see a lot of very similar submissions (especially for the untypical choice of hardware).
  11. Very nice! If I wanted to be difficult (with my tinfoil hat firmly on my head) I would point out that most of the subs for this board look similar. However sharing CPU it fine for FSB, so...
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