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Everything posted by Sparks.nl

  1. About 2x CPU tab: When saving via Benchmate with CPU, Mainboard and Mem tab opened I get 2x CPU tab. Second photo included for this.
  2. I am not sure how good that 154 was (Sam’s). I don’t see scores of him using it.
  3. Memory came in fine. Thanks for carefully sending them.
  4. Memory came in fine. Thanks for carefully sending them.
  5. I might be interested in some chips if they are working and you have a printscreen with bench settings.
  6. Hi, Interested in the RH and PI kit. Will sent pm.
  7. Thanks, this was max frequency for now. And… I was running through LN2.
  8. Is an order possible now?
  9. Those 152/154/156s are collectors only nowadays. But who said I don’t have an Opteron 154…
  10. @Tagg You mean you wn’t be using Sams old Opteron 152?
  11. I have a lot, let's keep it to DDR1 (Other) for now. These are some of them: BH5 - Mushkin PC3500 Black Level II (bought new), OCZ PC3200 Gold Edition GX XTC, Corsair PC3500 (some bought new) CH5 - Mushkin PC3200 Level I (991084), XP4000 Redline (991440) CH5 - Corsair 3200C2PRO CH5 - GEIL Ultra PC3200 Samsung TCCD - Corsair 3200XLPRO, ADATA Vitesta DDR566, GEIL PC4400 (GLX14400DC) Samsung IC (Other, unknown) - GEIL Golden Dragon 256MB and 512MB (with packaging) Micron 5B G - Crucial Ballistix (will do 220MHz C2 tight PI32M) I also own 4 GEIL 1GB dimms which will do 210MHz C2 tight and PI32M. That is rare. IC unknown.
  12. If nothing changes then on April 1st I can sell an Asus P5A v1.03.
  13. https://www.ebay.nl/itm/115667045732?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=1346-175129-2357-0&ssspo=VYeoZKn_TCe&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=8aVDcvfySDu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  14. Hi, I have a CH5 kit you might be interested in. They ran on 3.41v in my printscreen. 200MHz C2-2-2-5 1T boots from 3v and on. Edit: Uploaded pictures as png. Edit 2: Please note that tRFC value is important to run high clocks.
  15. Sparks.nl


    These g die are Single Side or not?
  16. Is max FSB known for these boards?
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