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Everything posted by Sparks.nl

  1. Ok no problem, but remember that these are rare as well. So they are hard to find.
  2. Photo: Edit: This is what will be sold (nothing more) Edit 2: I remember max FSB to be 550MHz or so.
  3. I have a Striker II which can go. It's LAN ports are defective but the rest functions fine. If you are interested sent PM and make a bid. Item is located in the Netherlands. About the LAN ports: It was my brothers daily when Lightning struck about 10 years ago (running fine with a PCIe LAN card since then, not included).
  4. Hi, How did you fix the 0X0000007B error? I am trying to install Widows XP and get the error, even after replacing the files and trying lot's of things. Steps for what I did to make a bootable Install disk for Windows XP: I downloaded the 590 ACPI Files (winxp_acpi.zip) and unpacked them. I used cabpck14 to make ACPI.SY_, ACPIEC.SY_ and IASTOR.SY_. Settings used: Edit: I used proper names, without.cab for this example. I unpacked my Windows XP install CD. I copied driver.cab from the I386 directory and unpacked it. I replaced ACPI.SY_, ACPIEC.SY_ and IASTOR.SY_ there. I used cabpck14 again to make a proper driver.cab file. I copied my 4 new files to the I386 directory (replacing the old ones). I used NLite to make the new image. Burn and boot the Windows XP CD (from USB Blu-Ray player). Hardware used: 11900K Z590 Apex (I tested BIOS 0070 and 1202 used from this thread).
  5. Question: is that maxed out for the imc?
  6. Sale can be removed. I will wait until they are more rare or sell them on Ebay.
  7. Maybe this one? https://www.ebay.nl/itm/304706448277?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=1346-175129-2357-0&ssspo=NMLdCuQ2R8C&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=8aVDcvfySDu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Of deze… https://www.ebay-kleinanzeigen.de/s-anzeige/msi-z170a-xpower-gaming-titanium-edition-s-1151/2264544232-225-8553?utm_source=copyToPasteboard&utm_campaign=socialbuttons&utm_medium=social&utm_content=app_ios
  8. I had an hour spare so decided to polish 3127D152 (up to 1500 grit). Voltages are about the same (just a bit better on higher voltages). Temps are now @1.45v (from 81C) max 68C for the hottest core. Individual temps: C0: 68C C1: 62C C2: 63C C3: 56C C4: 68C C5: 66C Changed some prices.
  9. W3680: 3127D196 and 3206C039 are sold. 3022A465 Still available.
  10. W3680: 3022A465, 3127D196 and 3206C039 are reserved.
  11. Here they are I should add that they have never seen cold. At least not by me and I bought them from an official pc shop.
  12. For sale are my Xeon W3680 rejects. The Xeon W3680 comes multiplier unlocked (tested on all chips to work) and is the 6 core i7 980x counterpart. CPU's are located in the Netherlands but can be shipped anywhere. Cinebench 11.5 load temp was the maximum temperature of the hottest core (I have all 6 cores). W3680 - 3012B154: €12 W3680 - 3022A465: €8 W3680 - 3101A091: €12 W3680 - 3127D152 (Marked 2): €8 W3680 - 3127D196: SOLD W3680 - 3206C037 (Marked 1): €15 W3680 - 3206C037 (Marked 2): €18 W3680 - 3206C039: SOLD Prices are without shipping costs.
  13. That Opteron 154 is worth €100 on it’s own. Great deal but not the right moment for me. Besides that, I already own one of the better ln2 4000+ cpu’s. And what people probably did not see is that I have a good air only 4000+ as well (3300-3442MHz range).
  14. What results for those cpu’s? Edit: Those Corsair are CH5
  15. Just Winbond BH5 or would you be interested in CH5 512's as well? I might have some I can do without.
  16. Hi all, I was just wondering what the hw mod (the wire) does?
  17. I have had at least that much.
  18. Not needing any now. Free bump.
  19. Thanks. I think I can go a bit faster with my G.Skill and Wazza still does not work.
  20. Another OCZ run where they did not die ?
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