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Everything posted by websmile

  1. Not to care about 742?^^
  2. MSI ranked 2558 no points? Max, you need to bench more
  3. Closing in, at an enormous pace, lots of good benching lately
  4. Hi, the problem is that only the screenshot that is submitted with the validation file is valid for submission. Because of this always open cpuz before you save the result . The screenshot that is obtained when you save the result is your proof, only this - another seperate screenshot is not accepted to rule out manipulations http://hwbot.org/news/9703_application_57_rules/
  5. Exactly, 4.42 - I would prefer all use this so that we can avoid drama in the end
  6. Please remember that new version of sysinfo is mandatory for verification links. I will hande this generously bc even older version of sysinfo can detect time measurment error due to FM, but better to play it safe for the subs coming
  7. Seems 6600K is not en vogue^^ Please move to sold
  8. I think you have to submit directly after the benchmark(submit online after benchmark), save did not work for me
  9. I will not disagree on this, but please remember the awful discussion about team au we had a while ago, and there were also discussions about other combined accounts. They were fiercely attacked for their combined account by top ocers because those said this is practically unbeatable advantage of combined support and hardware. And if a combined account is used, I see no real way how we could make seperate accounts for competitions because they would act as one bencher and be treated this way.
  10. Hi, is it possible you tried to submit to the wrong category? 100m is a cou benchmark and has to be submitted there, 1B is both for cppu and vga depending on what you chose, I personally had a problem that I tried to submit cpu result to vga section first - in case your problem is the file itself, please skip cpu and gpu detection when you save the file and try if this works for you
  11. I took the screenshot rule as a mistake which it most likely was, on other challengers divisions we had validations as well and no screenshot was needed. All results valid for me that have a valid link
  12. No need to thank me, if you want to make my life easier check the rules from time to time, I do it myself regularly to see if updates were made - it is for sure no fun for me to kill other benchers hard work by blocking scores, but the rules have its reasons, subscores for example are the best way to check if a score is bugged
  13. In general, you bench here for a couple of years now and are at extreme league, without being disrepectful you should already have had the time to see that practically all 3dms starting from 01 up to firestrike need a screenshot that show detailed subtests.... As said, I added it again because it is a 0,1 point score and with the option to check the subscores at the verification link, I did bend the rules in favour of you like I did for all other benchers at this challenger as well. This won´t happen again
  14. http://hwbot.org/news/8624_application_29_rules/ Please check the rules and then check if your screenshot showed the mandatory subtest results... I gave you a reason for the block, and I did not do this light hearted Edit OK, with the link I can unlock it because I handled this for all the same. Anyway, if I see screens like this again in the future, I will block them no matter if a link is provided or not
  15. Score is final from my side, excellent job as usual when it comes to the old school series - but what happened to the 01 score of xtreme oc bulgaria? Couldn´t find a score... Grats to the winners, was lots of fun to watch
  16. Amen, it is time that not only the staff gets headaches but that we get constructive proposals to solve or at least improve the issue
  17. Chiller that brings you to subzero is normally planned for apprentice. This is currently at work and under discussion because this is no easy topic. Lots of chillers, even the "cheap" Haileas, can easily provide -15 degrees celsius, and when you use a cooling option that allows you to go sub zero this is not normal ambient cooling anymore in my opinion. As said, the limits at this are hard to determine, it gives people a lot of headaches . It is also a question of definitions
  18. No idea, I never had this problem. Is your xtu install OK?
  19. Yes. Hardware sharing means you use same hardware to submit to same category, here it is splitting of results, same cpu used for different benchmarks, which is OK. In the past we had joint accounts by some people to avoid irritations, but this was criticized by pro ocers especially who claimed this gives unfair advantage at ranking... so this was abandoned.
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