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Everything posted by websmile

  1. It is always better to check the rules if you are unsure before the bench, I do this myself sometimes I made a precheck and had to remove some scores, I gave reason at report to everyone who was hit by this
  2. Bnech and submit result online, you need a working internet connection and log in at hwbot
  3. I´m unfortunately no expert for MSI, I don´t use it. Best idea for me is that you post in the MSI-Thread, I am pretty sure guys there can help you. BTW, Sam_ocx posted an XP for msi there, maybe it helps, an ISO.
  4. XP is not supported at all, if you want drivers for tools like Frmula drive, no need, they work without this also at xp
  5. For what do you need chipset drivers? There are no drivers that fit XP afaik, it works without these
  6. Roam the MSI thread, iirc this was special issue of MSI http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=146382
  7. websmile

    Delete account

    I made an internal task to get your account deleted, if you decided differently, please let us know
  8. Tell Nick to speed up availability or it will not be approved for computex competitions^^ - good job btw, 2385 looks excellent #nopaperlaunch
  9. Issue solved, apprentice members will be able to submit to extreme stage now - we will handle this the same for all comps in the future, apprentice is sub zero as we all know. If you still have issues, simply let us know
  10. Not sure apprentice league members are allowed, I made an internal task to get clarification, will give you an update as soon as I have the information. In theory, apprentice should also be counted to extreme when it comes to competitions, but restrictions here might be idifferent
  11. Yes, I think this not needed, you can make score before official submission starts
  12. @nightmare - please check the rules before reporting, thank you in advance - Tesselation tweak is allowed at hwbot http://hwbot.org/news/9039_application_52_rules/
  13. A heads up for all competitors, it seems we have a problem with the 3DM01 stage. Most likely (99.99% possibility atm) we will have to replace it due to a bug found on this when IGP is used. 01 has no validation link which we would need to detect this with foolproof ratio (time measurement error), we will keep you updated, if rules are changed, we will make an announcement for sure and this will happen as soon as possible. I guess it is in the interest of a fair qualifier that we announce it now and make a change instead of risking a major mess at the end of the competition. 11 will stay, 01 will most likely be replaced by another benchmark. Big thanks to dancop who first detected this and splave who confirmed this as well
  14. As said, try to submit at eoc at comps "submission" tab, there is a submit score button at lower end of the page, usually still works, or submit at hwbot and add it there. I know you submitted allready, Andi, this is more of a heads up to other contestants at all competitions
  15. Yes, hwmonitor is also mandatory for the xtu screenshot, sorry, please re run the xtu
  16. No option, for a few cards were plugins you can google that made voltage increase possible. But on old series like 4,5 and 6 for example, there was no way to increase volts anyway with software, only possibility for this would be hard mod with soldering or maybe pencil mod, not sure the latter is practicable on geforce4 @TASOS Ninja
  17. Try submit at eoc competition page "submissions" at lower end where the button submit is located, this worked last time tried. We are working to fix the issue
  18. Firewall blocks, failed internet connection maybe? Results seems to be OK and on win7 there is also no problem with rtc verification or HPET
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