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Everything posted by websmile

  1. removed from comp, cache above core not allowed and mainboard tab missing - please rebench
  2. Nice article, thanks for sharing - I am a bit sad about fact I had to remove jabs results, he benched good, I would have preferred it to be different...
  3. Pieter fixed it, results now should show final result after check, at least top 5 are OK - on temps, it was decided to go with load temp, so idle below 20 degrees but still on plus value was not removed from competition. Great work, guys, a lot of good benching
  4. @Trodas Trident 2gb are eol long time now, you can look at ebay or second hand market, 2000c9 or 1600 6-7-6 triple kits, the first ones you can identify on serialnumber linked earlier here at thread and 1600 6-7-6 are always bbse
  5. It is common knowledge that you have to show cpuz cpu,memory and mainboard tab when a competition is restricted to certain brand and mainboard series. And yes, "hwbot staff" under my nick says I am a moderator. As stated before you could have contacted Christian Ney, you obviously did not do, and of 150 submissions for this contest you are only one! who did not include cpuz mainboard tab despite rules. You even got a personal heads up two weeks before competition ended and uploaded later results without cpuz mainboard tab again I guess there is no need to discuss this anymore
  6. Thanks for the test - for the actual comp it makes no difference though as everyone participating had the same maybe "incorrect" measuring. This is in fact one of the reasons we want competitors to use same software for readout of values and hardware, so that we have same chances for all even if something works a bit inaccurate - thanks again for the test, interesting result
  7. Non of your subs was removed because of temps - I told you that mainboard tab of CPUZ is mandatory and now see that you did all of your results you uploaded after our conversation here in thread without mainboard tab again . I have to remove them all, and on temp, I have to talk to Pieter again because it say load temp 20° at stages but 20° at general rules, for me it means sub 20 idle is forbidden as well, but I will get second opinion before I spoil people´s fun
  8. HWMonitor should be open during bench, you can of course minmize tab
  9. Use latest xtu version and if the problems remains switch to english like Scott proposed, this worked according to Pieter and it worked for me as well, I tested it yesterday - I made fast check on stage 1 and extreme and ambient, had to remove tons of results and yours will go as well, I only checked top ten to give people hints - please include Hwmonitor, please include mainboard tab on all! stages and uncore above cpu core is not allowed for frequency limited stages
  10. I know, but I gave warning and answer on this question here several times. If people don´t care they will have to live with subs being removed after stage end, I have very few time for pre-checks atm
  11. 4790K X449B686 Spi 32M XP 4/8 1,295v 5GHz 2400C8 mem non delidded useless
  12. @Lays No extreme cooling at ambient challenge allowed on any part of your rig^^ - @overnightstone Sure, LN2 is allowed, it is extreme cooling for extreme challenge
  13. Yes, uncore same or less than CPU frequency, was already discussed before
  14. Other vendors did similar in the past (downgrade lock) and did not care, good that Gigabyte offered to help at least, that´s nice, but problem is solved anyway. Will do some checks on my new 24/7 board and the F7 was no winner Bios
  15. Me too, thanks for the link and the help - much better support than some mainboard vendors offer
  16. Is there any option I can use the Bios version I like on my SOCF? I got the board with f7 bios on both chips, and even dos with efiflash tells me that I am not allowed to use my property, which I paid money for btw, the way I want to do.
  17. Seems there are people at staff who don´t fully trust XTU hardware readings and temps shown - please include hwmonitor for confirmation reasons, I guess we have long time left on competition and it makes things bullet-proof for all contestants
  18. I did not see this comment, aynway rules say hwmonitor is needed also at xtu screenshot. I think this is because xtu only shows max temp at result window and hwm also shows minimum temp, which is a factor at an ambient challenge
  19. Skip the profiles, all of them are junk, not even a base to work with, this only wastes your time. Hand dial in like Bullants proposes is best option for sure
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