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Everything posted by websmile

  1. Yes, otherwise there would have only been one or two results left
  2. Due to the problem with readout that occurs sometimes and sometimes not we decided to stay with xtu freq that is shown for now - this is no general decision that will last forever, but for this comp it is OK
  3. Please close and move, thanks for the space hwbot
  4. Stage one ends tomorrow, I made fast check on results and found a couple that will be removed - check your results, please, especially for frequency cap at screenshots and on XTU result - 4,09ghz is above limit and 4001,1 at cpuz as well for example... and I personally do not accept speedstep enabled if you make a screen for a low clock, you are on very thin ice if you do this^^
  5. Small heads up, please read the rules when you do all the work for benching... on 3d stages gpuz VGA tab and sensor tab which shows the max clock during run is asked for... - and read the 3d01 verification screenshot rules
  6. Indeed, it can cause confusion but reading both can´t hurt - this is why I try to check results at least once or twice before competition is ended so people can rebench after checking reason for removal and read rules again. Blame Asus and Massman on this, I don´t create rules and don´t make layout for comp design and info
  7. Bump for the Kingston, 3k works as well with same timings
  8. I help out a bit, I already gave CN a heads up but guess he is too busy - on sys info, you can be sure that 4.34 has to be used though, you will have to rebench like nearly all people who submitted for stage 2 Edit your submission is invalid anyway, please read the rules page and not only the rules that are near stage submission site -
  9. http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=92310 On win7 OK according to this information, time measurement error was OK, on Windows8 not^^ - please use system info 4.34 as it is explicitly stated in the rules, sorry for your inconvenience
  10. sold and payment received, thanks for the space hwbot Please close and move to sold
  11. Hello, sales time 1. Asrock Z97 OC Formula retail boxed Like new, purchased at german online shop march 2015, fully functional, no bent pins and with complete accessory, unused, including I/O shield. In box, original invoice is part of the deal. 2. 2x4GB Kingston HyperX T2-2400 C11-13-13-30 1,65v retail Fully functional, excellent condition and tested with memtest86 and in windows, 3000 12-14-14-35 spi32m no problem at around 1,7v. In mem tray with manual and Kingston sticker , original invoice is part of the deal 3. Thermalright True spirit 120 BW Rev.A Complete with all accessories incl tp. was used for a couple of tests lately and does a good job Prices in euros, shipping will come on top 1. 155 Euros sold 2. 65 Euros 3. 20 Euros sold The hardware is located at my home - germany, shipping will depend on item and for example be around 17 Euros for the board with dhl in eu, mems will be around 8 Euros. Payment with western union or paypal Disclaimer: This is a sale done by a private person, not a shop, therefore I rule out returns. Ruled out are also any kind of warranty or guarantee, which I can and will not provide. On oc, results can vary, so please accept that yours can be worse or better than the results mentioned, this depends on hardware, compability and skills
  12. Sorry, 295 not allowed, you need to use VGA with one GPU core - you don´t need to have participated in round 1 to compete in round 2
  13. http://forum.hwbot.org/showpost.php?p=369924&postcount=11 Das 2,8ghz limit gilt nur für SuperPI, hol beim 03 raus was drin ist
  14. Did you read the competition rules? I pasted them for you... so please contact a mod to make sure your submission can be included in the competition or get a reason why it is rejected in spite of rules of the comp saying something different. This is most likely because of a bug at the competition site which does not see you were at rookie league when the competition started. It will not help your matter if you post at several threads and do not try to clear the matter with a mod
  15. I don´t see the problem - the comp is for members registered at or after 1. of november 2014 to rule out such problems - before you complain and ask for new rules, contact a mod and tell about the problem, I am pretty sure then it will be solved
  16. This bench is meant to show you a small overview of your systems capabilities, cpu and memory are tested, no graphics afaik - you can compare to other, similar systems to see how you rig does, it is also influenced by OS settings
  17. Let´s paste the rules^^- I think latest version of fsx should do the work, sys info is specified, I see no problem anyway if you use new benchmark version Stage 2: 3DMark Fire Strike Physics Must provide verification screenshot including 3DMark score window, CPU, Motherboard, Memory, and SPD information. Compare link required. System Info 4.34 installed and enabled.
  18. 4.34, has been specified, and for all contestants, please check the general rules at the comp and the specific rules at each stage to avoid results being removed
  19. Sorry, the bitter truth is that apart from the 2400C9 in my thread I only have a quad kit with Samsung ICs which I use for 24/7 and tests. I stopped binning memory and I will most likely not resume

  20. still pending, buyer will make payment next days
  21. Yes, nontheless the weird situation remains that you have 3d benches that have wrs with one card because they are so cpu limited that more cards don´t give you more points - I guess anyway it is handled, it is OK for me
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