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Everything posted by websmile

  1. Time flies :eek: Happy birthday again :D

  2. 4770K L315B407 delidded by mad german binner- vid 0,976v, 5ghz SPi 32m 4/8 1,21v XP, 5ghz core 5ghz cache 4/4 1400c9 samsung 1,20vcore 1,32v cache - no junk^^
  3. 4770K L315B622 - vid 1,04, 4,5ghz wprime 1024 1,20v XP, extremely hot, 1,4v 5ghz no go - junk
  4. You uploaded in wrong category, your result is maxmem read bandwidth^^
  5. You load result like this which is twice as high than people with higher speeds on all fields and do not consider it to be bugged? Very ambitious^^
  6. RipjawZ are sold privately, please close and move - thanks for the space, Hwbot
  7. Sure, Roman, and when ocuk sells 40 chips alone advertised at 1,275v 5ghz win7 and 6,4ghz 01 handbinned by overclocker you say ^^^this - bs², I wonder when you last binned for a cpu of modern architecure if you don´t know how much cpus you have to bin to get this and take in on top that best samples are not sold but used for benching... obviously it is ok to ignore reality when you are in a certain position, sad story^^
  8. I can live with this decision, it was time to make it clear though what is motivation to this, tbh I don´t think this discussion will be over though, it will come back in the future if amount of inhouse clockers at shops or distributors keeps on rising- about unlimited access, when you can bin hundreds of i7s for example because shop you work for offers tray and especially offers pretested overclocked rigs, how would you call this? Small amount you can easily bin privately?
  9. So you want to state that there are lots of people who get pretested retail cpus in bunnyextraction masses from vendors and don´t work for vendors or manufacturers or distributors? That´s indeed new to me and matches no ocer I talked to, on vgas I know that samples are sent out that are often much better than retails. And I did not talk about early unlimited access at distributors, I talked about employees, which is different from support, with unlimited access for example to cpus - I think this is a difference, and for me it leaves a bad taste for example when people who pay for their binning or have to make stunts for it have to compete with people with unlimited cpu access at a competition. If you are full time employee in hardware business I see no difference if you work a inhouse clocker for asus or alternate
  10. Hey, keine Kritik bitte an meinem 7 Jahre alten Megahalems - der Lüfter ist ein 1800 U/pm Zalman der noch älter ist
  11. Agreed, there will always be differences in access to hardware and ressources, this is no problem but a fact, what you can try is to lower the impact it makes on perception and you can also try to diminish impact on some of the rankings and competitions. The way to do so is difficult, I agree, and the limit between employee and excess support is floating and hard to define. Nontheless there have to be made decisions now and in the future about this and I wish a lot of luck and wisdom to the staff to do this. But the question I had was not answered, why are employees of vendors out and employees of distributors with better retail access accepted at comps. It is a bit weird for me if I see this and only judge it by hardware access, of course I am aware of the advantages you can have if you get special bios or prebinned vga by vendor. Well, we will see...
  12. Wow, Sam, despite having most hardware points you do not lead in one single category - time to restart binning
  13. If I find a buyer for the second pair I would not mind to split the kit, the sticks are even so I would send them out with followup serialnumber. Maybe someone else drops in and grabs second pair, but before that I will not split - and around 8 euros shipping would come on top for each buyer Edit Sale of the ripjawZ suspended, I offer them on a different platform now
  14. Pieter, when you mention competitions here, I have a question. How do we justify the fact that on hwbot organized comps employees of hardware vendors and manufacturers are ruled out, which mostly have access to ES anyway, which is ruled out, but that employees of distributors who can bin hundreds of retail cpus for free as well as they have early unlimited access to all hardware including expensive vgas and so on can participate? It does not touch me directly as you know, but when we talk about justice and logic in rules like discussed here on the ES matter, I would be interested to hear your opinion on this as well
  15. To make a long story short - the 4670K will not work at 2400+ with bbse or psc on OCF, no matter which Bios or cooler I use, the problem can´t be solved, so that´s life. I rechecked on other boards, there it works, and with other cpus the asrock flies with psc so I assume it to be problem with contacts of the 4670K which seem to be a bit worn out, and therefore one channel is weak - definitely no problem of the board itself which works flawless
  16. Two last tests on different sticks, all do around the same
  17. Will be too tight, I can´t promise this and think it will take 5-7 days
  18. I ship to Italy, DHL would be 15 Euros, within EU they offer quite acceptable rates
  19. Dirt can be a problem indeed, but I clean my mems regularly for years now, and on a new board I don´t expect dirt in slots^^ - wouldn´t explain anyway why the problem occurs only on one cpu and two others not. I fear the cpu contacts are not in best shape on 4670K, and the problem comes because of this, anyway new bios might help, but in case it is mechanical problem I will have to live with it
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