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Everything posted by SoF

  1. I would actually try to blow up booth of them with a better CPU and GPU if possible Normally I always find something small I don't totally agree but I would sign this without reading a third time no seeing me benching today on stage would have made you really sad (cuz you could think "how does that noob did it made on stage" ^^ ) for further explanation - call massman
  2. SoF

    CeBit 2011 ...

    tomorrow's evening is fully booked :D found a lot guys today that will join the dinner tomorrow and I am pretty sure it will be a great evening
  3. SoF

    CeBit 2011 ...

    Found a very nice steakhouse nearby and reserved a table on thursday 20:00 : Steak- Kartoffelhaus Im Heidekamp 47 30659 Hannover As there is a big variety of food (and prices) we decided everybody should pay for their own food and drinks, that is the easiest way If you want to use the tram - it is S4 and then around 1000m to go: PLEASE CONTACT ME ON THE ASUS-BOOTH IF YOU WANT TO JOIN!
  4. SoF

    CeBit 2011 ...

    haha - I could only make "5 against the snake", as my gf left on sunday and I'm alone currently Good news: feeling better today, just finished my tea and will be on the road within the next minutes. SEE YA SOON!
  5. Alternative 3 might be a good way - let's talk about on cebit, not understandin every detail of this solution but overall it does sound ok. ... oh, and also, I don't like changes
  6. 990X benching will come these days Heard a bit of stuwi's pretesting and he told me exactly the same issue in 1m/32m that we experienced with 980X also. CPUs are looking good for pifast (6650+) and 05/06/Vantage.
  7. SoF

    CeBit 2011 ...

    Problably better to bring it for Cebit damn I got ill today - that sucks damn hard...was puking in the morning, now it is a bit better and I hope to be at Cebit tomorrow around 12...
  8. SoF

    CeBit 2011 ...

    Testing last things for 03 show on tuesday...wanna crack 03 first, then moving to 3x 990X which are untested yet...we are running out of time pretesting, so hopefully on stage things come together
  9. anybody got the same issue to only see a thumbnail? hey petri any chance you could reup that score?
  10. SoF

    CeBit 2011 ...

    Keep your fingers crossed guys - last weeks were heavy for the entire AF-crew with work and preparing everything for cebit. hope we can show you some really good results in the end
  11. after cebit maybe but now I need to prepare some more windows and check if all 3d marks are working correct and validating....need to do some serious 3D clocking on ASUS-stage starting tuesday
  12. SoF

    CeBit 2011 ...

    saturday I will be benching with stummerwinter @Asus booth - probably 990X + 580 CU II SLI or even Tripple, we are not sure yet
  13. SoF

    CeBit 2011 ...

    You are always welcomed Found a chip for '03 single gpu on stage + = hopefully win ^^
  14. thanks! yeah it took me a while but this chip seems to be pretty nice - 5685 validation and 5670 through all benches seems to be enough for my next runs on old gpus
  15. Not sure if I ever told you the digits so here is a little update: 2600K L040B165 #0916 - max 2D and 3D 5589, booting 5597 but only 1m and very unstable today I got a new one and just had a quick look on it before popping it in. L038B638 #28XX (61 iirc) - ~5670 that is one nice chip, does 5665 easy and boots 5680+...seems I still need to find optimum voltage as 2nd run was directly 5665 which also ist my limit for most of the benches until now. 32m just passed with 5min 56s flat YAY
  16. 8800 gts sli is teh pwnz on sandy -.-
  17. Yo! As it was going to be a bit boring in OC-League (hanging around TOP70-100 constantly, but without steady LN2 supply no way to do better) I had an eye on the hw-league during the last months. It is getting a bit too less attention if you ask me. There are great guys pushing all kinda hardware to the limits which can be much harder than just waiting 6 minutes for a sandy to finish 32 on air. some older or exotic hardware never was build for overclocking but they still manage to increase clocks on all kinda mobile chips, gpus and old cpus. also having the right driver for old gpus is important. with new hardware simply use the newest and you are mostly fine but not so with old one. Today I looked a bit around and collected all the GPUs that found the way into my panicroom during the last weeks. the first thing that came into my mind: "Damn sh1t, I'm turrican'ed" And here some CPUs ^^ Even I have not that less hardware flying around here there are many guys with much more hardware-points...that truely shows their dedication to OC and a continues work for results. Follow the TOP100 hw-masters always - it's damn good OC-entertainment! regards SoF
  18. SoF

    CeBit 2011 ...

    Possibly Gonna arrive on Monday, preparing things and systems currently...guys I tell you it will be fun at ASUS booth
  19. hehe gotcha http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2129615_sof_aquamark_geforce_gtx_465_405214_marks
  20. I have some 9800 GTX "classic" results and not sure where I would end up - to be honest: I don't care, do whatever you want
  21. SoF

    CeBit 2011 ...

    Ok I'll check some things during week-end and reply back here. @knopflerbruce when the guys at the turkish restaurant serve the meat - at that point you'll be happy you are not at bk we have been there with abit and gskill 3 years ago iirc and people still remember that evening (not just because I was so drunk ) - I really would appreciate we can make it happening again
  22. SoF

    CeBit 2011 ...

    I'll figure something out during the week-end and check with my AF-crew if they also support that idea. I think it would be great to have one evening we are a bit away from the fair ground and just having fun - I need somebody to take a video of you and me talkin 01 after 5 weizen that would become even more "popular" than your last 01-chat I am sure (because you wouldn't look so drunk next to me hahaha). The only problem I see: there is a booth party of a big company we don't know yet about and the plan changes but thursday usually isn't a special day so let's hope we are choosing the right date I'll try to arrange something for 20-30 people in the turkish restaurant. Excellent meat, beer and everything you can think of - used to be there every week while I was workin in hannover I would suggest everybody to estimate ~20€ for drinks and food - if there is something missing, let's see what we can do with the guys of the restaurant. the food is rather cheap, so more room for drinks
  23. SoF

    CeBit 2011 ...

    So I see thursday night to be the day we'll going out together, having a good dinner, eating, drinkin' talkin'? What ya say? It's sometimes a bit hard to fix dates during cebit - there can be a booth party or other things but maybe we have a nice evening together as it used to be 2-3 years ago. I know hannover a bit as I used to live there for more than 3 years. I can reserve something at a good turkish or greek restaurant. just let me know when interested
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