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Eeky NoX

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Everything posted by Eeky NoX

  1. Well does that matter for few TPP? But the rules are the rules lol Well if the orb validation was mandatory, I think I won't play anymore
  2. I have something like that too Don't remember how much the mobo allow to put at max? 2.95v isn't it? I think I tried near 2.8v under AC without no more scaling... hope it will do with phase 714+ is the freq to push me mate (but you have time I won't schedule any session with it before falls)
  3. Same this morning. So we were 3 Anyone tried AB 2.2.3 yet?
  4. Sure it's a warm up No I don't mean you should have issue but my rev 1.1 can't go higher than 610 and with pain... and some strap doesn't even work, but I can't remember exactly. When time will come I'll put some cold on my D9s... How much voltage for 700C5?
  5. Nice catch up Which rev is your board? No issues with straps and low FSB with C2D? ...can't wait to plug that system again (so much fun with UD3P!!!)
  6. ...no way to see the countries members rankings Bug alert!!
  7. Ok my friend. A kinda update though ...lol UNI! can I .... NO! ^^
  8. Was it hard to hit that freq 32M stable with 2v? I really wonder
  9. Now let's make a poll to fire Massman for incompetence Umh! Tbh what is the subject? Which rules?? lol
  10. Omg!! R'ly? I'm joking of course, but I think it's not that good though Even if I know you did'nt report that score, moderators can be quicker than others to report what impacts on their own ones
  11. Especially when the same moderator gat his 1st place stolen Sorry for you... CN isn't fairplay sometimes ^^ "The rules are the rules!" he said
  12. OCN vs the entire community ...short sum up (or troll ^^) Only 5 pages Roman but trans threaded/forumed "flamewar"... @Albrecht: Do I need to consider myself as old too? From the begining? oO Edit: No offense I.M.O.G.
  13. I agree both of you Knut But I know those attidudes... We gat all those kinda wars between teams in a same country. Italia make their own sometimes, France too (but a bit different since a few years) I think all those pueril behavior should calm down definitely! We aren't kids guys... are we? oO
  14. Talking about that post El Gappo? Creativity seems to be blamed in our community I agree the thread should have been closed for a while...
  15. Umh! what impress me the most his your way to insulate the board, with rice and those strange flakes. What are those white thingies?? I like the way you alaways make your setup flashy too (my teammates prohibit that on mines ^^)
  16. Hahaha! lol And so did POOLA_unreliable btw sick setup again oO Hey! on the way to catch Andre bro?
  17. Look who's talking Edit: Sorry we were three ^^ (...I go in the third yours is the fourth Alby)
  18. Autant pour nous mec C'est ton screen qui nous a mis un doute. Forcément ce voltage si c'est pas sur 6c/12t ya pas de lézard ^^
  19. 5.7+ SB for 2D means 5.7+ SB for 3D with phase change
  20. Oula! Oui 1.58v!! Pas bon ça Je dirai même de tester en désactivant un max de cores. Test HT off avec 6/4/2/1 en changeant d'affinités... ça se travail un Spi
  21. Of course Xtreme Addict !! A shame! It's theft in that case... Western Digital gave me a Raptor74 back from RMA, back in the days. I formated it and it crashed at the OS intall I made a CN's like e-mail to tell them how furious I was! They made apologize and gave me a Velociraptor150 telling it was'nt necessary to send them the deffective 74G harddrive. I was very happy ...and now I wish I will have such luck with all my raptor drives for the next 10years
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