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Everything posted by basco

  1. if ya still need-i have p4 1,8ghz SL5V3-3148A392-0056 cotsa rica. it should work but have no board to test. would give it for free.
  2. did you try: http://www.laptopvideo2go.com/drivers?dev=&sub=&whql=0&lang=0&orderby=version&dir=asc&os=
  3. health to you + your family!
  4. awesome men-you rule gtx560ti-go for it. how much volts are you pushing?? and is this a twin frozr card? or hawk
  5. good cover up-lol
  6. from tpu-review: MSI's GTX 580 Lightning gains very well with voltage increase up to around 1.25 V at which point it seems to hit a wall and increasing voltage required a reduction in clock speeds to be stable. from massman: - Short ER1091 for OCP per channel - Short ER1059 for OCP overall from xtremesystems: http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?273369-MSI-N580GTX-Lightning-OCP-Mod and from ocn: http://www.overclock.net/t/623325/ocns-vmod-squads-volt-mod-essentials search for lightning below
  7. thanks mat for putting time + effort into this bench.
  8. http://www.ocinside.de/workshop/amd_socketa_overclock_d/
  9. http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?199241-3-5-divider-on-X38-P35-X48-P45-is-broken-is-2-3-in-reality-on-400-strap the 1:2 is not the prob-its only 3:5
  10. you all know how people are-what i have to pay 6 dollar for a benchmark running on a 700 dollar system but if new guys want to join you tell them to buy old windows for benching. old benchers have all windows versions.
  11. sometimes i have better results with 32 bit just install both versions and open the .jar file with "open with" and then choose which version. and beta java is worth a try. https://jdk9.java.net/download/ always reboot-running too often gives lower score-second run is most times best good luck
  12. i use this : http://www.conrad.com/ce/en/product/823990/CRC-Kontakt-Chemie-71013-AA-Kontakt-WL-electronic-cleaner-400-ml dry after few minutes but not as cheap as dishwasher very good for cpu socket
  13. good job the both of you. glad that turbov works. if there are more questions just ask.
  14. i looked up on your mobo and maybe with aisuite 3 you could oc in windows. is screenreader able to read those tools ?
  15. i think there is no screenreader for bios so manually clocking is not easy. you have a asus h81m maybe with oc software from asus - if this is possible with screenreader? your last xtu score is with 4180 mhz but your score is 725 and with 3990 mhz is 723 so there is something not sticking i think like alex@ro i am happy to help
  16. yeah these are nice cpu´s and it is fun to play with x58. did ya try to undervolt it or do you need 1,320volt for 3,6ghz ? some multis are more easy to oc
  17. health to both of you and your families.
  18. i know you write thinking of- but am i the only one who thinks we change to much lateley- let me digest my falling 100 places-ok did not bench much but- i think its because of me not being in esport-but cannot tell ya anymore lost contact to hwbot-help major tom.
  19. very insteresting choice of windows xp64 bit
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