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Everything posted by basco

  1. me too always forget gputool-for VT1165 voltage controllers best out there. but in beginning everybody flashed asus bios to use our so much beloved smartdoc! and i have xfx black which has starting volt of whooping 1,425v-gets very hot vrm + core on air. crazy xfx i seem to remind i could undervolt this card to 1,350v or less. ah and forgot rivatuner with vt1156 pugin-works well to i like it a lot because of ovp+ocp monitor http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?217002-RivaTuner-plugin-supporting-GT2xx-and-HD4870-Voltage-Tuning all together: http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?215521-Tutorial-How-to-softmod-to-ANY-VGPU-you-want-without-hardmods!-%281-3-1-6v-or-more%29 sorry ti hijack your thread obscureparadox
  2. basco

    [WTB] 5960X

    sorry sir did not mean to sound rude
  3. is it possible to change something after finish-did one sentence wrong in hwbot prime-?
  4. basco

    [WTB] 5960X

    there will not be too much cpu´s out there that can meet "your" harsh rules. money cant buy everything. good luck
  5. too late for asus card -men i always think too much if i should or not or shouldnot or...
  6. did not see the last 3, but finished. i try to bring the big one at new year to an end.
  7. welcome to hwbot jooch! sorry to hear you got troubles. do you have addons disabled or default browser settings? i am using firefox default. hope someone with more knowledge chimes in-c`mon guys help a new bencher.
  8. just selling together cause is my last socket 1156 parts. never played lots with it this is circa -20° http://hwbot.org/submission/2369856_basco_superpi___1m_core_i5_750_8sec_640ms don't look at time I suck in spi
  9. i can offer giga p55m-ud4+i5-750 or 650
  10. have this as wired product since 3 years and can recommend it. lacks little bit middle with music but i like bass. games sound great. sorry forgot the link: t4=wireless t3= wired http://de.creative.com/p/speakers/creative-t4-wireless
  11. dice is easier to handle in the beginning and gives more time to optimize system. I use old ssd with 50gb for benching. it will not give you more points in the 3d benches. and with giga soc mobo ya can push your system with the oc-buttons-so no need to restart often. if you are more a bios type then yes the ssd will save you time.if ya tried it once you wont get back to hdd.
  12. nice setup ya got. I have both z97 from giga + asus and I have to say the asus is easier for me to get to same clocks-but that is just flavour. the giga needs just little bit more time and love. for benching I always prefer a good single rail -got corsair 1000hx the old one and serves me well-if ya don't do sli then more then 1000 watts is not necessary. even less would do it fine. ln2+dice you will get from linde: http://www.linde-gas.nl/en/contact_and_support/depot_finder/index.html its not cheap there but ask for better price and ask someone(a bencher) from netherland where to get it. and have a look in the for sale here at HWBOT-good chance to get good clocker for fair money. good luck+good scores
  13. health to you and your family
  14. vote for asrock just look at superpi 5ghz challenge. and i dont like the idea of having 3x different soc boards with the ln2 being latest and maybe just a few of them on the market(just speculating) and already said reaching higher mem-frequenzy then norm soc boards.just my opi
  15. me too have probs on f4,x04 and f7a with direct to bios button not working and language not sticking.psc-mem sets very loose timings on auto(yes i know should do it manually) in comparison to maximus VI. all is installed from stasios latest drivers+tools.
  16. still looking and only for corsair or is ocz blade or patriot sector5 2250cl9 or mushkin 2000c8 ok too-all hypers
  17. just bought these and is mfr single: http://geizhals.at/kingston-hyperx-beast-dimm-xmp-kit-8gb-khx24c11t3k2-8x-a865297.html and maybe i have a kit of bdbg-have to look.
  18. i got one good evga 8800gts640 with a3 core but i have to put it in the oven. hope this works out
  19. i would be interested,if i can meet the requirements.
  20. had the same exp with 3xgiga x48 dq6 which all stopped at around 500 fsb no matter what.
  21. no prob, i hope this works out fine and suzuki already said he is preparing a ati challenge and there again you can win the same card. so if ya have luck or have 2x good scores you have the chance to get a 275 sli setup with water cooling.not bad i think. hope this inspires some other guys/girls to do something similiar. quick test of the card under air: http://hwbot.org/submission/2548251_ and my best score for suzukis challenge: http://hwbot.org/submission/2548253_ not really earthshattering but started with 90000 without tweaks. so get it on on and win yourself a nice gpu
  22. so all ya need to get this evga gtx 275 1792mb+koolance waterblock running is this: http://koolance.com/nozzle-socket-plug
  23. here is good guide from vivi: http://www.overclockaholics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=691 and my best score with 4670k+gtx260 is 106... but i am working on it just a suggestion:next challenge no limit on cpu´s(limit on mhz is good)
  24. hey suzuki, i would give as price a gtx275 with koolance waterblock for next challenge. i only dont have the hole-plugs. let us think about how we could do it-if ya are interested.
  25. hey djang, gunslinger maybe has something for watercooling the sr2 in the for sale section. 1x nateman_doo custom copper/acetal SR2 blocks - like new - 10 minutes of run time if ya cant go into marketplace just writr him pm. dont know if ya need this.
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