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Everything posted by basco

  1. is this the same as madmatrix
  2. if i would not have such shitty hasfails i would love to get in da race
  3. 5-6 years ago there was no other way then ceramic 1 for ln2 use-never had probs with it going cold
  4. sorry men,dont give up and come back with stronger score
  5. at much lower clocks with 780 i have had this black screen too but i am still 2-3000 points under similar hardware. and with 290 i have much too high scores sometimes but dont no what tweak or hoppala caused this.
  6. interesting read. i do not really understand the Challenger Series in the way of that there are benches where a 3930k would be favorable over a 4670k but if i understand correct if in the beginning of series i choose the i7 3930 i cannot go back to i5 4670? just saw the clock and thought wow me old furtz has nothing better to do at this clock.
  7. please dentlord put some more info in your screen(cpu-z++)
  8. cant we just make screenshot mandatory for all submissions(all-benchmarks not only aquamark)-i always do since 2007 so i see no prob for others doing this.
  9. no offense against dentlord but this is impossible with 4770k at 3500mhz? is this reading error? http://hwbot.org/submission/2505095_dentlord_aquamark_radeon_hd_6950_474010_marks
  10. cleared in chat should i liberalize the page or save or something else or is finished? okidoki thx genieben
  11. did i do correct to enter german under the english?
  12. powercolor 290 unlock with pt1 bios-for me it is fair to post in 290x category.
  13. can someone plz tell me how to get this version from massman`s quote? send an email to catzilla one month ago and nothing. thx in advance
  14. best scores for me where with win7 64 bit java 8 beta(nearly no diff between 32 or 64 bit java version)-single core celeron430. but will try your mentioned version thx for share
  15. not much of help but i have msi 560 ti tfII and running hawk coldslowbios is no prob. did not try others. did ya look at your bios how much volts is standard against hawkcs bios?
  16. sorry pippo that nobody responds here from hwbot. here you are: http://www.filedropper.com/maximus-v-extreme-asus-0022
  17. did ya try this one : http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/1383/gputool-community-technology-preview-1/
  18. so if i know how to dial it in then i get consistent scores-that supposed to be fun or what-thats not tweaking. for me it seems hwbot just puts up new benches to grow th community but if we loose quality?? reported nearly 30 to 40 results in catzilla because no screens no proof no nada-but it seems nobody cares these days.
  19. health to you + family
  20. right klick=save link as works for me
  21. thanks a lot Terraraptor & Xtremeaddict with your help i can finally boot with manuell rtl. 2424mhz rtlinit-44 \\ 39\39\40\40
  22. thx very much xtreme addict. its better then before now,but i am still not able to put values manuell. best score i get is with 39\40\40\41 and this is only sometimes after boots if i am lucky only rtl initial value i can do manuell. does more ramvolt help you with lower rtl?-me is not getting lower values. thx terraraptor-will try and report. ex:my last 3 boots on rtl-auto:39\39\40\41 ; 39\39\40\40 : 39\40\41\40 my sys:max6gene 1002-17600cl7 pi-1:9 2424mhz cl8-11-8
  23. can someone plz advise me how to play with rtl-settings on maximus? if i change one setting one step up or down i get 55 no matter what volts.... i get non consistent rtl=changes after reboots on auto and i think this is only setting effecting 3d11mark pysx score.(maybe interesting for massman in x79 pysx). thanks in advance
  24. could anybody test if upping aux\vddci volt helps with black screen. my 290 black screens if i go down -6mv on aux volt. just saw it:there is 13.9beta4 out which should fix blackk issues
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