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Everything posted by hokiealumnus

  1. Looks like I just received another MFR kit. Heh, looks like they were recycling some stickers; this is a 2 x 4G kit. Hmm...I bet the gold would probably go well in a 1337 gank machine! :nana: Wait, no...Gank Machines (which astoundingly do exist) are red & black. This kit goes with the Gank Domination.
  2. Here you go guys: http://www.overclockers.com/gskill-tridentx-ddr3-2933-memory-kit-review . Oh, and Massman, it received the 'no award' award.
  3. Bingo. Typing up a review on the 2933 G.Skill kit. Results are disappointing. They are designed for high frequency and nothing else. They fail to do the one thing a more expensive, higher-rated kit should do - increase performance. However, for people that enjoy memory clocking, they're a heck of a lot of fun. So it depends on your goal. If you want better benchmark times, look elsewhere. If you want zomg memory frequency, go MFR.
  4. FYI, Impact and Stinger are both mITX. Now to go figure out how to score a L337 gank machine. (Seriously??)
  5. The only thing I didn't like about this when I was playing with it about six months ago was that it strongly preferred NVIDIA hardware. It wasn't anything allbenchmark was doing, rather they didn't have access to AMD GPUs to test. They said they were in contact with AMD and that problem was being worked on. Again, that was six months ago; maybe they've fixed it at this point. ...and when I say preferred, NVIDIA beat down AMD pretty well, on hardware that is comparable in every other metric. Again, not the coders intentionally wrote a different code for NVIDIA and AMD; it just worked out that way with the single code that was written.
  6. Hardware geeks: "Bulldozer/Piledriver's single threaded performance isn't so hot..." TheStilt: "There's an app for that."
  7. +1. I have an FX-8150 and an FX-8350 sitting around that could use this treatment when he releases the software. :nana:
  8. M6 GENE & M6 Hero seem to be in stock at Newegg consistently. The M6E, however, has been in stock twice and both times was out of stock within 24 hours. Either insanely high demand or low quantities, or both.
  9. But in some locations it's $0.50/L and in some it's $6.00/L. That's TOTALLY NOT FAIR AND SHOULD BE BANNED! /sarcasm
  10. Absolutely not. First I am barred from OC League and have to compete in the Pro League. Once Pro League was gone, I now have to compete in the Pro Cup. All becuase I get one non-binned ES chip per generation. Now you want to make it so people like me can't participate in even the Pro Cup. Seriously rbuass, and I say this as someone who likes you and admires you, +1 to this:
  11. That's what I was thinking. People can show stupid high scores with Cinebench too and that didn't stop boint-granting.
  12. Heh, the NDA date is always also under NDA. Best I feel safe saying is 'soon', but you probably already know that considering the amount of pre-release PR going on. A long rumored date has been out there, but it's ever so slightly wrong. Sorry, that's the best I can do. Others may feel they can share more.
  13. Heh, honestly, I can't read what comes after "Z87" on those posters, so it may or may not be the model number.
  14. Z87 is part of the product name on all of the channel boards. Z87 Deluxe, Z87 Pro, Z87-A, Z87 WS, etc. etc.
  15. ASUS motherboard lineup & photos here: http://www.overclockers.com/asus-announces-z87-motherboard-lineup A couple boards missing from the list: Z87-A and Z87-C
  16. I fully support this proposition.
  17. Subscribed, this sounds like fun. It's the perfect balance between science and insanity.
  18. When it disappeared the first time I thought nothing of it and assumed it was pulled for all the right reasons. It was actually its re-appearance that gave me pause. It doesn't really bother me per se', because I can link to this without breaking my own NDA. That said, I also feel for the guys who probably did not intend to have this out there in front of everyone at this early stage. It wouldn't make me cry at all to have the thread removed. Put it this way, if it were my valid, I'd ask very nicely if the evidence of it could be hidden from the public until launch and would have asked yesterday when this originally appeared. This thing has been up over 24 hours now though, so the damage is pretty much done, no? Surely the two screenshots are elsewhere by now. I didn't save them, just linked here; but others may have gone that extra step. It's a difficult decision. After thinking about it, were I A torn Pieter, I'd reach out to Andre & Nick and ask what they would like me to do.
  19. Riiight, sorry didn't know the other teams were created already. I'll go crawl back under my rock now.
  20. Aye, I did. Something wrong with my choices?
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