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Everything posted by hokiealumnus

  1. Wow, this thread is a massive fail. I leave you with this. [ATTACH]1325[/ATTACH]
  2. Very true. There are many people on the giant OCN team that are great guys, including yourself. Unfortunately your team's overall reputation is tarnished by those that make posts like reggie did up there. EDIT - I see that post was taken care of; thanks HWBot staff!
  3. I think jjjc summed it up pretty well.
  4. They look awesome. Pointless...but awesome.
  5. LED light thingy (that I think TIN made) that looks cool under a smoking pot.
  6. Is that a...doctor's office?
  7. I wish I could see in this person's mind to at least get some sort of understanding of why you'd cheat at hwbot. What's the point?? There is no prize, you're never going to cheat well enough to be ranked at the top without being caught. You're going to just end up being an embarrassment to you and your team.... I don't get it.
  8. Hah, I can't wait to see THAT statement.
  9. That is pure awesome. Thank you W1zzard!!
  10. Remote access FTW! (Unfortunately it doesn't protect against actual explosions...)
  11. Yep, I've got both on-hand. I might just try to delid after I finish a couple reviews. Wouldn't want to kill the chip in the mean time.
  12. In the interest of saving an order for TIM, does anyone know how Arctic MX-2 would behave cold? It spreads great into a very thin layer. The only other TIM I have on-hand (and use for sub-zero) is Ceramique 2. Something tells me that would be about as good as the stock Intel TIM between the die & IHS.
  13. I have one of these now and it, too, gets ~1,300 boost throughout testing. Impressive card right out of the box. Still trying to get used to the whole weird overclocking settings, but I'll get the hang of it before I publish a review.
  14. Well then, good work. PM paypal please for your free dollar!
  15. Srsly? Post a pic with the screen functioning and PM your paypal address. Totally worth a dollar. You DID use all those little screws, right?
  16. Ooo...that's a good idea. Freeze it all with LN2 first. Must assemble with thick gloves to avoid hardware freezing to skin. Make it a challenge!
  17. I'll give you a free dollar if you can get that back together and functioning without a manual.
  18. What if, and just playing devil's advocate here, what if I flew to Andre's house and made off with his binned CPUs? I didn't pay for them, but I didn't bin a bunch of CPUs from some random retailer that likes me either. Would that make me stay pro? Would it add one more post to this thread? Will it make massman pull his hair out in frustration? Will Marc start a thread at XS? What's the meaning of life? Oh, right...42. Scratch that last one.
  19. FWIW, according to my guys, Airgas is soon moving to a national system rather than the regional silliness with their ancient computer systems. At that point they'll be able to pull the prices themselves and you won't need receipts. Since it will be a national system, price matching should be easier at that point. Since it's going to happen anyway, they might as well give it to you now. If you meet resistance, you can always try that argument.
  20. I go to the Raleigh, NC Airgas and get it at $0.50/L. I did it by showing reciepts from a friend of mine in OH (different Airgas region). Print these... Receipt 1 Receipt 2 Receipt 3 ...and take them in with you to Airgas to see if they'll match the price. My Airgas started at $6.00/L. I talked them down to $1.00/L but needed the receipts to get the $0.50/L price. They literally had never heard of it being sold that cheap. Once you show them it is, in fact, done (and assuming they are nice like the folks at my Airgas), they have no problem matching it. As for how much it costs (and I'm spitballing here, this is not something I know for sure), the LN2 is relatively inexpensive because it's a byproduct. Wiki says you make LN2 by fractional distillation of liquid air. There are other, more expensive, products produced in that fractional distillation, such as helium and oxygen. Since they're separating the air anyway, it doesn't cost much more to grab the nitrogen at its fractional spot in the distillation process. Sure, the initial investment is high but the goal is those more expensive and more widely used gasses (well, liquids). That's my random guess as to how LN2 can be relatively "cheap" to make.
  21. Ninja delete, activate!
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