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Everything posted by hokiealumnus

  1. Stupid question time: Does this raise voltage in any appreciable way? I want to test our card with all available power, but do not want to kill it on air. I presume it does not and it's safe, hence the "also for air cooling", but want to be absolutely sure before I toast our card. Thanks for posting this PJ!
  2. I think I can answer this one: Yes, but only after the current quarterly cup has ended and team selection has begun again.
  3. Beautiful looking new pots!
  4. Side note: I've received three generations of ES chips from AMD and Intel. They have all been very far from hand picked. My 3960X hits a brick wall at 5.1 GHz. Its IMC won't even get to DDR3-2400 at all, much less with stability. The SNB sample was a 5.2GHz chip. IVB won't do 5GHz stable on water. On the other side, neither of two Bulldozer chips or the Piledriver chip would hit 8GHz, which for the bot is about all they're good for. ES used to matter, back in the 980X days. Since then, they've sucked. At least the ones I've received. I have no problem being forced into Pro, but make no mistake - it's because the chips are free for me to test, not because they are anything resembling good chips.
  5. I voted for bring back the Pro League and add the Pro OC Cup, however despite my snarky posts about being in limbo, I think we should at least give the Pro OC Cup at least one quarter before "forcing" Pro OC to come back (via a good old fashioned Pieter beat down; or a poll, I guess...).
  6. [ATTACH]1460[/ATTACH] (Just adding a little levity. )
  7. I believe a mod with botgod control has to do it for you.
  8. Welcome to my world! You guys want to form a limboclocker's Pro OC team?
  9. Yes, that's correct. As I understand it, we limbo'ers will still get hardware and global points (and team power points), which will be applied to our total and to our team. We just won't have an individual rank, per se'. The results will still be listed in the hardware rankings, but we aren't competing in an individual league.
  10. Short answer: Yes. Or continue submitting for no personal ranking and have the points count toward the team, which is the path I'm going down.
  11. Unless you use ES hardware. Not that my personal issues really make a difference as far as overall HWBot changes go, but I cannot go back to OC-league because I use ES CPUs (and GPUs; though they can't be detected, I won't try and hide that). I see no reason at all to replace them with retail versions just to be able to be ranked in the OC league. I'm not that heavily into competing but still enjoy trying to get what I can out of what I've got to see where the scores fall. Surely others feel the same way and I think that's what pro was getting at - they use ES like I do so our individual ranking will just be....nothing. This is obviously not going to change, so don't consider this a complaint to try and change anything. Just trying to help flesh out the answer to pro's question. EDIT - Also, yes, I know the choice not to purchase retail replacements for ES chips/GPUs is a choice. It's not much of one because I couldn't afford to do it TBH, but it is a choice nonetheless. Doesn't mean I like having to make the choice. ...and so my trip into the Ether begins.
  12. +1 to pretty much all of that. Not that I'm a heavily competitive pro overclocker, it just sucks to have what ranking I do have thrown to nothingness. I'll have no ranking, no time to try and rustle a team together for this new stuff....just be out there in the ether, attempting to give my team a few points without any ranking for myself. Yay.
  13. Just to be clear from my own perspective, I think it should be the same as 3DMark 11 & Heaven. The only reason I've been asking is to have a staff member tell me whether that is correct so I can run the bench and submit without fear of having the score removed.
  14. If it said Direct CUII TOP, that was an error. I shall fix it straightaway. My apologies, I used the pre-populate from a prior bench and thought I fixed that to Titan. EDIT - Fixed. Sorry for the confusion. This is a reference TITAN from NVIDIA directly. EDIT II - Ok, it won't fix itself. Need a mod's help here... none of my titan submissions are with an ASUS card, and I specifically changed the manufacturer to Nvidia.
  15. I've asked at least three times in threads to which staff are subscribed but have no answer from a staff member. Non-staff said it's ok to have tess off, and I would imagine that's the case considering the number of submissions without it. It would still be nice to have an actual answer though.
  16. I agree, Fire Strike is a blast to bench, I just wish a bot staffer would clarify about tessellation. I'm fine with what Gunny said, but just would like staff to say yea or nay.
  17. So....if you disable tessellation, the benchmark notes that and says it's an invalid result. I had assumed since it was just that easy to tell whether or not tess was disabled, the bot wouldn't be accepting invalid results. Did I assume incorrectly? Seems the Fire Strike rankings are full of invalid runs.
  18. FYI, I ran it with beta 4 and got the same score you did (roughly). I think the 14K score was on 13.2 beta 2. Or it was a fluke. Either way, 12K+ is more accurate for two 7970s and an Ivy chip at 4.9. Not sure what led to the 14K score unless it was the beta version. Unfortunately, the time has come to pack up the ARES II and send it back, so my ability to test just ran out. Easy come, easy go.
  19. Wow yea, you definitely crushed the physics there. At those GPU clocks though, you should have scored better. My 3960X scored ~100 points higher at the same clocks as the 3770K. What driver are you using? Make sure you're on 13.2 beta 4.
  20. CPU & RAM Frequency testing added to ours (courtesy MattNo5ss).
  21. I know right? Seriously Ney, how could you not test Win 7 vs Win 8???
  22. Good lord Ney, we've only had the thing since Thursday. Did you lock yourself in you room with red bull and a bunch of GPUs all weekend?
  23. Quick comparison with some high end cards: Best score so far: More details and such in our article. It's a fun bench. Hard on hardware as 3DMark benchmarks are wont to be and it's quick, which is a pleasant change.
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