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Everything posted by flanker

  1. with real cold will scaling at core, I think similar as Godavari, so coldbug around -80C and clocks close to 6 GHz. But there will be limitation BCLK (with 845 Athlon)
  2. congratulation to the new record! Awesome man! newlife`s SuperPi - 32M score: 9min 58sec 875ms with a Athlon X4 845
  3. this CPU is 32M AMD Beast. Imagine what could happen if this CPU hit 5 GHz...We want unlock Excavator
  4. Im sure better than my english
  5. Man, going to czech forum also. You will be welcome in pctuning forum. I believe, your czehc will be better than my english
  6. newlife: I got issue with BCLK over 114 If I remember right (for SUperpi runs). Temps were OK, I hold the CPU around -40C. But CPU can get higher because BLCK :-/(at air I got similar clock, so the temps were not problem)
  7. Skylake is really more fan than Haswell for me, BLCK tuning, uncore, strong IMC... And thats not all. I believe, the Zen AMD could be fun also - no coldbug, solid performance, as in phenom II days
  8. Tahnk you very much for BIOS
  9. memory (frequency) up, memory up
  10. push the RAM (or are any issues with LN2?), 2250 MHz at air is easy and card scaling very well with memory clock. Awesome core clocks!
  11. There is one trick with AMD overdrive for disabling of APM master keep the turbocorte in BIOS at auto Open AOD open there "turbo core control" unmark the "turbo"
  12. Impossible in correct benchmarking
  13. No, I mean another APM Look at my video How to get FX-8370 5 GHz look at 1:44, there is "APM master mode" Default is at "auto" and it means, this function hold the average TDP (in some time area) at 125W (or 95W for FX-6300)
  14. And did you disabled APM Master in BIOS "Advanced settings/CPU settings"?
  15. 6700K is less sensitive than Haswell for voltage at air/AIO cooling. For validation is no problem 1.55V. For benchmarks (Cinebenchs, wprime, Geekbench) its possible cool it with 1.5V If you have budget cooler as example Gelid, your limit will be around 1.45V for benchmarks. For 24/7 up to 1.45V with highend aircooler or solid AIO. With mainstream cooler up to 1.35V for 24/7. AVX stress is really hot
  16. seems, I need another memory kit, not old Hynix in Predators
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