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Everything posted by Hondacity

  1. look @ prizes... "Winning Team (ECS user only!)"
  2. nice comeback answer lol. On an asus board that pcie slot would have died already lol.
  3. With ECS distribution worldwide, HWBOT fails again in giving enough/ample time for Members to get motherboards ahead of time.
  4. picture is being hosted by some other website.
  5. if you guys want unlocked msi afterburner and doing subzero on the msi gpus. please pm massman. he's the msi contact in hwbot. i think that makes sense. i'm just guessing.
  6. i have some non-deadish rams. basically working lol.
  7. zombie!!! that is hard work gyrock! amazing result! \ as always i love the pictures!
  8. Not a good thing to say to these elite European overclockers. There is an elimination round and an after-elimination round. Who qualifies for moa qualifies for moa.
  9. awesome cpu
  10. get two more for Lords of Overclocking ...
  11. I'm happy now Danke schon!
  12. i had the problem on a 2500k. z77a-gd65 max cpu freq was 5.9xx stuck @ 57x 2600k was used...a 5.8ghz chip stuck @57x flashed it with older bios and viola back to normal working order. still bad efficiency though...
  13. -top22 in the books. -last date of submission is Aug 1, 2012 cheers
  14. what did they use? as solder?
  15. msi stuck multi gigabyte stuck multi . . . 3 more boards to go lol
  16. kelvin is just another unit of temperature. nice presentation roman!
  17. thanks another feedback right off the bat, full copper gpu pot will be too expensive. I suggest copper base and alu extension. can I have a free revised pot? Can I get pictures of the internals? I might suggest a base tweak. the prior revisioin was ____ because of _____ and I have a suggestion for you regarding it.
  18. fu** I just bought the prior design, which sucks alot. Ive given "main" feedback(contact size) and now revised with my feedback. *sigh
  19. is there power points for good meme's?
  20. nice board not coldbugging
  21. also indicate who your teammate will be, and who owns that particular hardware.
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