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Everything posted by FatBoyNotSoSlim

  1. So 5 months later... how's v2.56 coming along?
  2. It's funny God Damn it!!
  3. WTB G3258 in Australia.... 4790K is retail now, but still no pentiums...
  4. I don't know why I made this, but I did, now I release it to the world.
  5. 10 Minutes of my life that I won't get back.
  6. Yeah, catzilla logs all that crap and displays it on their server, much like the futuremark does, not that anyone cares.
  7. Damnit Gigabyte, it's like your forcing my hand to buy a 780ti just to keep up.
  8. I got an email update too, same with an update about massman posting in the MOA thread. Looks like eu aws servers are the go then. (I checked/found the bug report page, and this issue)
  9. I didn't get any email alerts for this topic though I did however get an emails about MOA2014, after a few others had replied to the thread. I'll have to monitor forums the old fashioned way then.
  10. They'd need to release it by July 1st for this rule:
  11. Hey guys, query about vBulletin... I've got all the threads that I post in/create to subscribe for instant updates. I've got the forums settings to have my correct email address. Yet whenever one of these threads has a post in it, I don't get an email about it. It's odd, as when someone makes a discussion about one of my submissions, I get an email about it. Plus theres a few threads that I occasionally get emails for, such as the HWBot Prime development thread and Aquamark3 bugs thread. Anything newer though, such as the MOA2014 threads, no email updates. Can this be checked from the server side to see theres a (larger?) issue?
  12. I too want to start now... but no G3258s to start binning for another few weeks.
  13. No semis this year? All out fight for a spot direct in the finale...?
  14. Because, umm, well, MOA! Trying to find some PCB shots to see what kind of controllers they have...
  15. Doesn't link anywhere.... you crafty buggers
  16. http://hwbot.org/competition/team_cup_2014_sc4/stage/1476_snapdragon_800_hwbot_prime/ Ok, so my score is submitted, but it's not ranked yet. Any ideas Massman?
  17. Ok, my submit is working now. No comp background though, plz don't report me.
  18. Can you please confirm this statement Massman? My submit with my Nexus 5 isn't able to join the comp... http://hwbot.org/submission/2558798_fatboynotsoslim_hwbot_prime_snapdragon_800_msm8974a__(snapdragon_s4_prime)_2265mhz_1752_pps I did a quick search and saw 20+ Snapdragon 800s, maybe the above one was missed from the allowed list?
  19. Just some templates for the future...
  20. Yeah. So the chip will do 5700 if volts are right. Will have to come back and test most of it one by one.
  21. Thanks, fixed. Something something copy and paste no attention being paid whilst subbing 10 scores at once.
  22. I'm still waiting for zeropluszero to do a submit, since I'd like to tweak my settings and see what I can really do. :-)
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