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Everything posted by FatBoyNotSoSlim

  1. First you had my respect, now you have my attention. MYCGA 2021.
  2. Unless Coronavirus shuts down world travel, I'll collect that Whiskey for Matt. He's not coming to Computex this year. Also, stop hax0ring. It gives love a bad name.
  3. Mr @Leeghoofd Sir, please revert and provide access to the YCruncher. My reputation depends on it. Thanking in advance, regards, Australia's #1 Overclocker
  4. XTU for locked CPUs? Love me some hour long XTU runs.
  5. WTF Ozzie, you come into my sub and disrespect me in front of MY FAMILY. This is war.
  6. You're 10 ply bud, fuck off and try and do better on your own 8086k on AIO.
  7. Cheers, we'll look into it.
  8. Ahhh, ok, thanks for looking into it for me. I'll keep at it on some other stages then.
  9. When possible, could someone please check this submission of mine, it's not appearing in the grouping for Australia, yet the stage confirms it's submitted for the round: http://hwbot.org/submission/4026123_
  10. Yeah no shit. I think I put in over 20hrs over 3 days for this score. Needs a sound file to ding every 10 seconds to keep you awake :-/
  11. I'll buy them too, if needed. I spend hundreds if not thousands each year for the country cup, so it's no problemo in the scheme of things.
  12. Thanks, Alby for arranging. Shaping up to be a good year for CC.
  13. Reported, no rig shots. For all we know, these were done on water cooling.
  14. Only a few hundred mhz to go, for sub 4 minute runs. Stop sandbagging!
  15. It's ok guys, it's all the in the fun. Nah Splave, I love these super long benchs. It lets me binge Netflix whilst benching, just have to set up a temp range alarm (I didn't do this).
  16. I'll give up all my XTU points for a fresh start too. Would mean I'd have to OC again, which would mean I'd be active again.
  17. Hey dude, you rang? I'm doing so little benching these days I'm totally indifferent. :celebration:
  18. Similar to the alerts from HWnot? HWNot.org
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