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Everything posted by Dancop

  1. Should do it...vid is 1.232 I guess...but vid doesn't matter at all
  2. Shipping to Australia is around 90 euro insured and express
  3. Only tested this one in hwbotprime. ..and still it's in the 5% of the best! 64xx is something that's not really easy to find, but people are always looking for the best... Therefore this one is cheap!
  4. Pricedrop! !!
  5. Kk...rest pm
  6. Ok
  7. Who knows...I'm not in hurry
  8. Ahhh....so tell me your prices
  9. Guys...what's wrong? Is it the missing warranty or what?
  10. Funny GUY!
  11. Hi Folks, I'm selling without any kind of warranty 3 chips (at first only two, need to test the other one again!) I forgot to say...THEY ARE DELIDDED!!!! L537B102: sold to rsannio L537B214: shipped price in Germany 600€ L527B283: sold to bullshooter to come...6540 HWBOTPRIME so far, need to test more
  12. Samsung B rocks!!! http://hwbot.org/submission/3087200_
  13. Sorry I thought mike bought a 6400 chip. ..a 6600 chip should do 6450 maybe in 3d06...only speaking about asus boards! No idea what others can do
  14. Should be good for 6200 at least...
  15. Bala on a killing spree!!! Great one!
  16. Not true guys! I've had the wr before on haswell
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